Tuš drogerija Maribor Planet

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products!

Sončna kozmetika in repelenti

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Krema Sun Care Sport F30, Afrodita (90 ml)

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Krema za sončenje Sun care F30, Afrodita ( 50 ml)

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Krema kids F30 Sun care, Afrodita (100 ml)

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Krema za sončenje Collistar, zaščitna, SPF 50, 100ml


Krema za sončenje Collistar, zaščitna, SPF 30, 150ml

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Zeliščni gel Aloe Vera, Krauterhof (250 ml)

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Zeliščni gel Aloe Vera, Krauterhof (200 ml)

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Sprej proti insektom Family Care Vapo, Autan (100 ml)


Sprej Tropical Vapo, Autan (100 ml)


Repelent pršilo Bio Cvetka, proti klopom in komarjem

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Sprej proti klopom, Forth (150 ml)


Insekticid Raid Family, polnilo tekoče za električni aparat, sivka, 60N, 36 ml

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Na poljanah 18

2000 Maribor

See map

Delivery times
