Tuš supermarket Planet Maribor

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items!

Sladka smetana


Mini smetana za kavo, Zott (10 kosov po 7.5 g)


Smetana za kavo, 10%, Meggle (10 kosov po 10 g)


Alpska Smetana za Kavo 10% m.m., Mu (500 ml)


Sladka smetana 35% M.M. Mu Cuisine, Ljubljanske Mlekarne (250 ml)

  • 2 left

Smetana sladka 35%, Tuš (0.5 l)


Alpska Smetana, Mu (200 ml)


Alpska smetana za stepanje, Mu Cuisine (500 ml)


Smetana za stepanje, Tuš (0.5 l)


Smetana za stepanje 33%, Pomurske mlekarne (500 ml)


Alpska smetana 30% M.M. Mu cuisine, Ljubljanske mlekarne (250 g)


Krema v spraju, Vitala (250 g)


Smetana v Dozi, Meggle (250 ml)

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products.


Na Poljanah 18

2000 Maribor

See map

Delivery times
