A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer

Tortilje in omake na pomakanje


Koruzni tortilja čips s sirom, SPAR (125 g)


Tortilja čips, SPAR Natur*pur (125 g)


Koruzni čips Tortillas Nacho cheese, Chio (110 g)

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Koruzni čips Tortillas Chilli, Chio (110 g)

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Slani koruzni čips Tortillas, Chio (300 g)


Koruzni čips Tortillas Nacho Cheese, Chio (300 g)


Soljen koruzni čips, El Sabor (225 g)


Koruzni čips s sirom, El Sabor (225 g)


Koruzni tortilja čips BBQ, La fiesta (200 g)


Omaka salsa guacamole, SPAR (300 g)


Omaka salsa sir, SPAR (300 g)

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Omaka salsa medium, SPAR (315 g)


Salsa pekoča omaka, SPAR (315 g)


Omaka Salsa barbecue, Spar (330 g)


Salsa sir con queso, Poco loco (300 g)


Salsa s papriko polpekoča Salsa Dip Medium, Poco Loco (310 g)

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Pikantna sirova omaka hot cheese dip!, Chio (200 ml)

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Omaka Mild Salsa Dip!, Chio (200 ml)


Sirova omaka Cheddar, El Sabor (300 g)


Blaga omaka salsa, La Fiesta (315 g)

A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer. If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products.


Cesta 25. junija 1a

5000 Nova Gorica

See map

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