SPAR Drska

A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer

Za čiščenje kopalnice in sanitarij


Čistilo za WC Intense Gel Lavander Fresh, Wc Net (750 ml)


Čistilo za WC Intense Gel Ocean Fresh, Wc Net (750 ml)

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Belilni gel za WC Ocean Fresh, WC Net (750 ml)

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Čistilo gel Crystal Pink Flowers, Wc Net (750 ml)


Čistilo gel Blue Fresh Net Crystal, Wc Net (750 ml)


Belilni gel lemon fresh, Wcnet (750 ml)

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Wc obešanka Lavander Fresh Energy, Wc Net (38 g)

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Obešanka za wc školjko Lime fresh Energy, Wc Net (38 g)

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Čistilo za kopalnice, Ajax (750 ml)


Čistilo za kopalnico Limona in jabolko, Splendid (750 ml)


Čistilo za WC Sivka, Splendid (750 ml)


Čistilo za WC Mountain freshness, Splendid (750 ml)

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Čistilo za odtoke Cevosan extra, Splendid (1 l)

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WC obešanka Lavender, Splendid (3 kosi po 55 ml)


WC gel ploščice Lavender, Splendid (75 ml)


WC gel ploščice Marine, Splendid (75 ml)


WC obešanka Fresh, Splendid (3 kosi po 55 ml)


WC obešanka Lagoon, Splendid (3 kosi po 55 ml)


Vlažni robčki za čiščenje kopalnice in stranišča, Splendid (50 kosov)


Garnitura za WC, Splendid

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Čistilo za kopalnice Citrus, Frosch (500 ml)

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Wc čistilo Sivka, Frosch (750 ml)

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Polnilo gel ploščice za wc školjko Lime, Duck (2 polnili po 36 ml)


Odstranjevalec vodnega kamna gel, Smac (500 ml)


Čistilo proti vodnemu kamnu, Smac Express (650 ml)


Čistilo za kopalnico Bagno, Smac Express (650 ml)

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Čistilo za WC Lemon Power Aktiv Gel, Bref (700 ml)


Čistilo wc 10xeffect max white, Bref (700 ml)

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Wc obešanka Pine Power Aktiv, Bref (2 kosa po 50 g)

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Wc obešanka Lavander Power Aktiv, Bref (2 kosa po 50 g)

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Wc obešanka Fresh Flower Blue Aktiv, Bref (50 g)


Wc obešanka Eucalyptus Color Aktiv XXL, Bref (3 kosi po 50 g)

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Wc obešanka Lemon Power Aktiv XXL, Bref (3 kosi po 50 g)


Wc obešanka Blue Aktiv Fresh Flowers, Bref (2 kosa po 50 g)


Obešanka za wc školjko Eucalyptus blue aktiv, Bref (2 kosa po 50 g)


Wc obešanka Lavender Power Aktiv, Bref (4 kosi po 50 g)


Wc obešanka Juicy Lemon Power Aktiv, Bref (4 kosi po 50 g)


Wc obešanka Magnolia, Bref Deluxe (3 kosi po 50 g)


Wc obešanka Artic ocean, Bref brilliant gel (2 kosa po 42 g)

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Čistilo za WC Eukaliptus varikina, WC Raček (750 ml)


Čistilo za madeže z belilom, Cillit Bang (750 ml)


Wc obešanka Duo Power 5 Ocean, Domestos (2 kosa po 55 g)


Čistilo za kopalnice, Čisto (500 ml)

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Čistilo za kopalnico, Diplo (700 ml)

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Wc obešanka Lemon power aktiv, Bref (6 kosov po 50 g)

A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer. If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products.


Topliška cesta 10

8000 Novo mesto

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