A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer

Tortilje in omake na pomakanje


Koruzni tortilja čips s sirom, SPAR (125 g)


Tortilja čips Original, SPAR (200 g)


Koruzni tortilja čips Nacho sir, SPAR (200 g)

  • 7 left

Koruzni čips Tortillas Chilli, Chio (110 g)


Slani koruzni čips Tortillas, Chio (300 g)

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Koruzni čips Tortillas Nacho Cheese, Chio (300 g)


Soljen koruzni čips, El Sabor (225 g)


Koruzni čips s sirom, El Sabor (225 g)


Koruzni tortilja čips BBQ, La fiesta (200 g)


Omaka salsa guacamole, SPAR (300 g)

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Omaka salsa sir, SPAR (300 g)


Omaka salsa medium, SPAR (315 g)


Salsa pekoča omaka, SPAR (315 g)


Omaka Salsa barbecue, Spar (330 g)

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Salsa s papriko polpekoča Salsa Dip Medium, Poco Loco (310 g)


Pikantna sirova omaka hot cheese dip!, Chio (200 ml)


Omaka Mild Salsa Dip!, Chio (200 ml)


Sirova omaka Cheddar, El Sabor (300 g)


Blaga omaka salsa, La Fiesta (315 g)

A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer. If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Ulica 5. prekomorske 8

2250 Ptuj

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