Tuš supermarket Ptuj Puhova

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items!

Prehranska dopolnila


Šumeče tablete Železo, Krüger


Šumeče tablete multivitamin, Krüger (90 g)


Šumeče tablete Limona, Isostar (120 g)


Šumeče tablete Vitamin C, Krüger (20 tablet)


Tablete Kruger, šumeče, kalcij, 90g

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Šumeče tablete 10 multivitaminov + 5 multimineralov, Krüger (14 tablet)


Šumeče tablete Magnezij s sladilom Stevie, Krüger (14 tablet)


Šumeče tablete Magnezij, Krüger (20 tablet)


Tablete Tuš, šumeče, magnezij, 80g

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Tablete Tuš, šumeče, magn., kalcij, D3, 80 g


Tablete Tuš, šumeče, vitam.minerali, 80 g

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Tablete šumečeTuš, vitamin C+železo, 80 g

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Šumeče tablete pomaranča, Isostar (120 g)


Tablete šumeče Tuš power Vitamin C, 1000mg, 80g


Šumeče tablete Propolis C + Zn, Medex (80 g)

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Kolagen Skin care Naticol Nature´s finest, Nutrisslim (120 g)

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Prehransko dopolnilo, Kolagen Joincare gel, 140g


Instant napitek Medex Magnezij + D3, 20 vrečk po 6,8 g v prahu

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Prehransko dopolnilo Get More, Koencim Q10, 30 kapsul

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Prehransko dopolnilo Get More, Vitamin C 500, 60 tablet

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Prehransko dopolnilo Get More, Omega 3 1000, 60 kapsul

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Prehransko dopolnilo Get More, B complex, 120 tablet

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Prehransko dopolnilo Get More, Magnezij 150 MG, 100 tablet

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Pršilo Vitamin D, Medex (30 ml)

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Magnezij prehransko dopolnilo

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Prehransko Dopolnilo Guarana Natural Energy 5 x 9 ml

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Prehransko dopolnilo Gelee Royale Super, Medex (10 kosov po 9 ml)


Bio Gelee Royale Forte, Medex (10 kosov po 9 ml)


Prehransko dopolnilo Gelee Royale Junior, Medex (10 kosov po 9 ml)


Propolis forte, Medex, pastile, 18 x 2 g


Apisirup Medex, 140 ml


Propolis Oral Medex, vodni sprej, 30 ml


Sirup Medex, žajbelj in islandski lišaj, 150 ml


Sirup Medex, multivitamin junior, 150 ml


Kapljice Propolis, brez alkohlni raztopini, 15 ml

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Cvetni prah Medex, 150 g


Sirup smrekovi vršički, Medex (150 ml)


Pršilo z vitaminom D3 Junior, 30 ml

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Pršilo z vitaminom D3 4000 Forte, 30 ml

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Kapsule Health Yu, vitamin D3, 90/1

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Kolagen v prahu, Medex (200 g)

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products.


Puhova ulica 21

2250 Ptuj

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