SPAR Slovenj Gradec

A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer

Za odstanjevanje madežev

  • 6 left

Odstranjevalec madežev Pink OXI action, Vanish (625 g)

  • 6 left

Odstranjevalec madežev Pink, OXI action, Vanish (1 l)

  • 4 left

Odstranjevalec madežev Oxi action white, Vanish (2 l)

  • 5 left

Odstranjevalec madežev Oxi action pink, Vanish (2 l )

  • 5 left

Odstranjevalec madežev, Splendid (750 ml)

  • 5 left

Belilo, Arekina (1 l)


Parfumirano čistilo, Varikina (1 l)


Sredstvo za dezinfekcijo perila, Sanytol (500 ml)

  • 6 left

Krpice za vpijanje umazanije za strojno pranje, Dr. Beckmann (42 kosov)

A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer. If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products.


Celjska cesta 31

2380 Slovenj Gradec

See map

Delivery times
