Tuš supermarket

Tuš market Trbovlje

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items!


  • 5 left

Sladoled čokolada, lešnik in arašidi, Leone (2 l)

  • 7 left

Sladoled Gozdni sadeži, čokolada in vanilija, Leone (2 l)

  • 6 left

Sladoled Al!ve Raspberry Cheesecake, Leone (480 ml)

  • 6 left

Sladoled Al!ve Choco Peanut, Leone (480 ml)

  • 2 left

Sladoled Magnum Mandelj v lončku, Algida (440 g)

  • 3 left

Sladoled Vanilija, Carte D'or (1 l)

  • 3 left

Sladoled Quattro Chocomania, Ledo (900 ml)

  • 5 left

Sladoled Quattro Kakav Lešnik Vanilija Čokolada Stracciatella, Ledo (900 ml)

  • 3 left

Sladoled Quattro Jaffa Čokolada Biskvit Kakav, Ledo (900 ml)

  • 2 left

Sladoled 4 okusi Quattro, Ledo (1.65 l)

  • 3 left

Sladoled Quattro Happiness, Ledo (1.65 l)

  • 4 left

Sladoled Quattro Fantasy, Ledo (1.65 l)

  • 6 left

Sladoled kremni Super premium kremna čokolada, Tuš (1 l)

  • 6 left

Sladoled kremni Super premium burbonska vanilija, Tuš (1 l)

  • 2 left

Sladoled kremni Super premium sveži mango, Tuš (1 l)

  • 5 left

Sladoled kremni Super premium pražena pistacija, Tuš (1 l)

  • 3 left

Sladoled Čokolada Vanilija Stracciatella Lešnik, Tuš (1.65 l)

  • 4 left

Sladoled Čokolada Bela Čokolada Piškotek Kikiriki, Tuš (1.65 l)


Sladoled Čokolada Vanilija Jagoda, Tuš (2 l)


Sladoled Jogurt Jagoda Borovnica, Tuš (2 l)


Sladoled Vanilija Stracciatella Brownie, Tuš (2 l)

  • 5 left

Sladoled Bela Planica, Ljubljanske mlekarne (1 l)

  • 3 left

Sladoled Planica čokolada, Ljubljanske mlekarne (1 l)

  • 1 left

Sladoled Planica Gozdna, Ljubljanske mlekarne (1 l)

  • 4 left

Sladoled Vanilija, jagoda in čokolada Planica, Ljubljanske mlekarne (1 l)

  • 2 left

Sladoled vanilija, jagoda in čokolada Planica, Ljubljanske mlekarne (2 l)

  • 4 left

Sladoled Planica bela, Ljubljanske mlekarne (2 l)

  • 1 left

Sladoled Otočec Kakav in Vanilija, Ljubljanske mlekarne (1 l)


Smetana, Ledo (220 ml)

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products.


Trg revolucije 28b

1420 Trbovlje

See map

Delivery times
