Tuš supermarket

Tuš market Trbovlje

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items!

Konzervirane pripravljene jedi


Boranja, Natureta (400 g)


Čufti v omaki, Natureta (415 g)

  • 6 left

Chilli Con Carne, Natureta (415 g)


Brezmesna jota, Natureta (415 g)

  • 7 left

Polnjena paprika, Natureta (415 g)


Sarma, Natureta (415 g)


Prebranec, Natureta (415 g)


Prebranec, Natureta (850 g)

  • 6 left

Pasulj s klobaso, Natureta (415 g)


Ričet, Natureta (415 g)


Ričet, Natureta (830 g)


Jota s kislim zeljem, Natureta (840 g)


Goveji golaž, Podravka (300 g)


Prebranec, Podravka (400 g)


Pasulj brez mesa, Natureta (415 g)


Polpekoči prebranec, Tuš (840 g)


Pire krompir v vrečki, Knorr (95 g)

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products.


Trg revolucije 28b

1420 Trbovlje

See map

Delivery times
