ICA Supermarket

ICA Supermarket Kvarnen

Groceries that ease your days!

Mjuka ostar

SEK 28.95

Ricotta - ICA

SEK 72.95

Brie - ICA

SEK 55.95

Brie 60+ - President

  • Sold out
SEK 53.95

Brie Gourmet

200 gSEK 269.75/kg
SEK 47.95

Burrata - Zeta

SEK 45.95

Kittost golden 39% - Castello

SEK 45.95

Castello blue 42% - Castello

SEK 45.95

Black mögelost - Castello

SEK 45.95

Castello vitmögel - Castello

SEK 46.95

Chévre 170 g - ICA

SEK 55.95

Chèvre - President

SEK 51.95

Getost fransk ört - Soignon

SEK 58.95

Getost färsk skivad - President

200 gSEK 294.75/kg
SEK 41.95

Gräddädel 36% - Kvibille

SEK 30.95

Brie - ICA Basic

SEK 45.95

Kittost marquis - Castello

SEK 40.95

Mascarpone - ICA

SEK 45.95

Mild blue - Castello

SEK 21.95

Mozzarella - ICA

SEK 16.95

Mozzarella - ICA Basic

SEK 77.95

Riven mozzarella - Arla

SEK 25.95

Mozzarella classic - Galbani

  • Sold out
SEK 36.95

Mozzarella riven - ICA Basic

SEK 45.95

Oval brie - ICA

  • Sold out
SEK 31.95

Riven cheddar/mozz - ICA

SEK 75.95

Riven gratängost - ICA

SEK 31.95

Riven gratängost - ICA

SEK 31.95

Riven matlagningsost 150 g - ICA

SEK 65.95

Riven ost - ICA Basic

SEK 33.95

Riven ost gratäng - Arla Köket

SEK 33.95

Riven ost pizza 32 - Arla Köket

SEK 33.95

Riven ost texmex 2 - Arla Köket

  • Sold out
SEK 31.95

Riven pizzaost - ICA

SEK 75.95

Riven tacoost - ICA

SEK 31.95

Riven tacoost - ICA

SEK 31.95

Mjukost 8-p - Den skrattade kon

SEK 45.95

White red chili - Castello

SEK 45.95

White truffel 38% - Castello

SEK 41.95

Ädelost special 45% 140 g - Kvibille

SEK 41.95

Ädelost 30% - Kvibille

Groceries that ease your days!


Kvarnforsgatan 2

78466 Borlänge

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