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ICA Nära Flamman
Groceries that make your days easier!
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SEK 34.90
Soya kinesisk - ICA Asia
440 ml
SEK 79.32/l
SEK 68.90
Soya lägre salthalt - Kikkoman
150 ml
SEK 459.33/l
SEK 18.90
Colloritsoya - Ekströms
SEK 54.90
Soy sauce - Kikkoman
150 ml
SEK 366.00/l
SEK 56.90
Japanese soy - Mrs Chengs
500 ml
SEK 113.80/l
SEK 32.90
Japanese soy - Mrs Chengs
150 ml
SEK 219.33/l
SEK 47.90
Wasabipasta - ICA Asia
SEK 29.90
Rice noodles - Santa Maria
180 g
SEK 166.11/kg
SEK 32.90
Glasnudlar - ICA Asia
100 g
SEK 329.00/kg
SEK 29.90
Nori sushi 14 g - ICA Asia
14 g
SEK 2,135.71/kg
SEK 31.90
Panko - ICA Asia
180 g
SEK 177.22/kg
SEK 32.90
Mango chutney - ICA Asia
300 g
SEK 109.67/kg
SEK 31.90
Ramen noodles 200 g - Santa Maria
SEK 17.90
Äggnudlar - ICA Asia
250 g
SEK 71.60/kg
SEK 42.90
Asia sushiris - ICA Asia
500 g
SEK 85.80/kg
SEK 26.90
Sambal oelek 100 g - ICA Asia
100 g
SEK 269.00/kg
SEK 46.90
Gari sushi - ICA Asia
190 g
SEK 246.84/kg
SEK 36.90
Risvinäger 150 ml - ICA Asia
150 ml
SEK 246.00/l
SEK 61.90
Äggnudlar - ICA Asia
1 kg
SEK 61.90/kg
SEK 24.90
Paneng red curry - Santa Maria
SEK 18.90
Egg noodles - Santa Maria
SEK 32.90
Mango chutney orig - ICA Asia
300 g
SEK 109.67/kg
SEK 29.90
Rispapper 140 g - ICA Asia
140 g
SEK 213.57/kg
SEK 19.90
Vattenkastanj skiv - ICA Asia
SEK 39.90
Oyster sauce 200 ml - Santa Maria
200 ml
SEK 199.50/l
SEK 34.90
Thai fish sauce - Santa Maria
200 ml
SEK 174.50/l
SEK 16.90
Kokosmjölk - ICA Asia
200 ml
SEK 84.50/l
SEK 51.90
Sesamolja - ICA Asia
150 ml
SEK 346.00/l
SEK 34.90
Kokosgrädde - ICA Asia
400 ml
SEK 87.25/l
SEK 37.90
Sweet chilisås 500ml - Santa Maria
500 ml
SEK 75.80/l
SEK 33.90
Thai hot chili 300 ml - ICA Asia
300 ml
SEK 113.00/l
SEK 18.90
Kokosmjölk lätt - ICA Asia
400 ml
SEK 47.25/l
SEK 22.90
Bambuskott skivade - ICA Asia
SEK 22.90
Coconut milk original 250 ml - Santa Maria
250 ml
SEK 91.60/l
SEK 32.90
Sriracha majonnäs - ICA Asia
250 ml
SEK 131.60/l
SEK 52.90
Sriracha hot chilisås - ICA Asia
450 ml
SEK 117.56/l
SEK 17.90
Böngroddar 410 g - ICA Asia
410 g
SEK 43.66/kg
SEK 18.90
Kokosmjölk - ICA Asia
400 ml
SEK 47.25/l
SEK 37.90
Sweet chili origina - Santa Maria
500 ml
SEK 75.80/l
SEK 39.90
Thai sweet chili sås - ICA Asia
700 ml
SEK 57.00/l
SEK 26.90
Minimajs - ICA Asia
425 g
SEK 63.29/kg
SEK 39.90
Woksås pad thai 250 ml - Santa Maria
250 ml
SEK 159.60/l
SEK 63.90
Teriyaki sauce - Santa Maria
300 ml
SEK 213.00/l
SEK 39.90
Teriyaki- & sesamolja 250 ml - Santa Maria
250 ml
SEK 159.60/l
SEK 29.90
Ketjap manis - Santa Maria
125 ml
SEK 239.20/l
SEK 23.90
Mushroom soy - Mrs Chengs
150 ml
SEK 159.33/l
SEK 39.90
Soja mushroom - Pearl River Bridge
500 ml
SEK 79.80/l
SEK 44.90
Mushroom soy - Mrs Chengs
500 ml
SEK 89.80/l
SEK 77.90
Sushi & sashimi sojas - Kikkoman
250 ml
SEK 311.60/l
SEK 77.90
Sushi & sashimi sojas - Kikkoman
250 ml
SEK 311.60/l
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ICA Nära
Hjulsbrovägen 43
589 35 Linköping
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ICA Nära Flamman