DOZ Apotek Triangeln

Advice & more.

Sex & Lust

SEK 109.90

ACO Intimate Care Caring Glide 50 ml

50 mlSEK 2,198.00/l
SEK 349.00

Eroxon stimgel potensmedel 4 st

SEK 115.00

RFSU Beyond Thin Kondom 8 st

25 gSEK 4,600.00/kg
SEK 175.00

RFSU Big O! Orgasmic gel 30 ml

30 mlSEK 5,833.33/l
SEK 85.00

RFSU Grande Kondom 10 st

30 gSEK 2,833.33/kg
SEK 125.00

RFSU Grande XL kondom 15 st

59 gSEK 2,118.64/kg
SEK 55.00

RFSU Klick Natural Glide 100 ml

100 mlSEK 550.00/l
SEK 129.00

RFSU Klick Supreme Glide 40 ml

40 mlSEK 3,225.00/l
SEK 90.00

RFSU Klick Ultra Glide 50 ml

50 mlSEK 1,800.00/l
SEK 85.00

RFSU Kondomer 20 st

48 gSEK 1,770.83/kg
SEK 129.00

RFSU Mixpack Kondom 30 st

80 gSEK 1,612.50/kg
SEK 69.00

RFSU Profil Kondom 10 st

28 gSEK 2,464.29/kg
SEK 129.00

RFSU Profil Kondom 30 st

74 gSEK 1,743.24/kg
SEK 105.00

RFSU Sense Me Caring Massage Glide 150 ml

150 mlSEK 700.00/l
SEK 89.00

RFSU Sense Me Magic Glide 75 ml

75 mlSEK 1,186.67/l
SEK 145.00

RFSU Sense Me Oh Yes 40 ml

40 mlSEK 3,625.00/l
SEK 139.00

RFSU Sensitive Latexfri Kondom 6 st

25 gSEK 5,560.00/kg
SEK 59.00

RFSU Thin Kondom 10 st

26 gSEK 2,269.23/kg
SEK 133.00

RFSU Thin Kondom 30 st

62 gSEK 2,145.16/kg

For medical advice, please contact DOZ Apotek customer service via, +46 771 23 10 00. DOZ Apotek reserves the right to charge you as a customer for costs related to the handling if you as a customer were not available at the notified time. Costs for medications (both over-the-counter and prescription) that are not collected or returned will be charged to you as the customer. Medications that are returned must, by law, be destroyed and cannot be resold or shipped out again.

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211 46 Malmö

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