DOZ Apotek Garnisonen

Advice & more.

Deo & Antiperspirant

SEK 75.00

ACO Deo Caring 3 in 1 50 ml

50 mlSEK 1,500.00/l
  • Sold out
SEK 99.00

ACO Deo Extra Effective 50 ml

50 mlSEK 1,980.00/l
SEK 75.00

ACO Deo Invisible 50 ml

50 mlSEK 1,500.00/l
SEK 85.00

ACO Deo Original oparfymerad 50 ml

50 mlSEK 1,700.00/l
SEK 75.00

ACO Deo Original parfymerad 50 ml

50 mlSEK 1,500.00/l
SEK 85.00

ACO Deo Sensitive 50 ml

50 mlSEK 1,700.00/l
SEK 129.00

ACO For Men Active Deo stick 75 ml

75 mlSEK 1,720.00/l
SEK 85.00

ACO For Men Roll On Deo 50 ml

50 mlSEK 1,700.00/l
SEK 36.00

Bats Creme 60 ml

60 mlSEK 600.00/l
SEK 31.00

Bats Roll-On dam 60 ml

60 mlSEK 516.67/l
SEK 29.00

Bats Roll-On mild 60 ml

60 mlSEK 483.33/l
SEK 111.00

Bulldog Original deodorant 75 ml

112 gSEK 991.07/kg
SEK 159.00

Bulldog Original Spray Deodorant 125 ml

SEK 59.00

Dermix Absolut Torr Extra Effective antiperspirant dab-on 35 ml

50 gSEK 1,180.00/kg
SEK 109.00

Dermix Absolut Torr Extra Effective antiperspirant roll-on 25 ml

25 mlSEK 4,360.00/l
  • Sold out
SEK 109.00

Dermix Absolut Torr Extra Effective antiperspirant Wipes 10 st

30 gSEK 3,633.33/kg
SEK 59.00

Eucerin Anti-Transpirant Roll-On 48h 50 ml

50 mlSEK 1,180.00/l
SEK 35.00

HTH Aloe Vera deo 50 ml

50 mlSEK 700.00/l
SEK 39.00

L300 For Men antiperspirant roll-on 60 ml

60 mlSEK 650.00/l
SEK 139.00

Vichy Anti-trace antiperspirant deodorant roll-on 48h 50 ml

50 mlSEK 2,780.00/l
SEK 149.00

Vichy Antiperspirant Deo Roll-On Beauty 48h 50 ml

50 mlSEK 2,980.00/l
SEK 149.00

Vichy Antiperspirant Deo Roll-On oparfymerad 50 ml

50 mlSEK 2,980.00/l
SEK 139.00

Vichy Antiperspirant deodorant roll-on 48h 50 ml

50 mlSEK 2,780.00/l
SEK 164.00

Vichy Clinical Control 96hr antiperspirant roll-on 1 st

50 mlSEK 3,280.00/l
SEK 165.00

Vichy Homme Antiperspirant Deo Roll-On 72h 50 ml

50 mlSEK 3,300.00/l
SEK 169.00

Vichy Homme Clinical control 96hr antiperspirant roll-on 1 st

50 mlSEK 3,380.00/l
SEK 139.00

Vichy Stress resist antiperspirant deodorant roll-on 72h 50 ml

50 mlSEK 2,780.00/l
  • Sold out
SEK 109.00

Weleda Pomegranate 24h Roll-On Deodorant 50 ml

50 mlSEK 2,180.00/l

For medical advice, please contact DOZ Apotek's customer service at, +46 771 23 10 00. DOZ Apotek reserves the right to charge you as a customer for handling costs in case you are unavailable at the notified time. Costs for medication (both over-the-counter and prescription) that are not collected or returned will be charged to you as the customer. Medications that are returned must, by law, be destroyed and cannot be resold or shipped again.

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115 26 Stockholm

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