DOZ Apotek Vårberg Centrum

Affordable pharmacy essentials.

Mens & Sanitetsskydd

  • 18+
  • Medicine
SEK 135.00

Cyklo-f, filmdragerad tablett 500 mg 20 tablett(er)

30 gSEK 4,500.00/kg
SEK 39.90

Libresse pure sensitive trosskydd 26 st

59 gSEK 676.27/kg
SEK 39.90

Libresse pure sensitive ultra+ goodnight 8 st

68 gSEK 586.76/kg
SEK 39.90

Libresse pure sensitive ultra+ wing 12 st

69 gSEK 578.26/kg
SEK 46.00

o.b organic normal 16 st

47 gSEK 978.72/kg
SEK 46.00

o.b organic super 16 st

60 gSEK 766.67/kg
SEK 69.00

Topcare Tampong Mini 50 st

63 gSEK 1,095.24/kg
SEK 119.00

Topcare Tampong Normal 100 st

260 gSEK 457.69/kg
SEK 119.00

Topcare Tampong Super 100 st

330 gSEK 360.61/kg
  • 18+
  • Medicine
SEK 119.00

Tranexamsyra Orifarm, filmdragerad tablett 500 mg 20 styck

1 gSEK 119,000.00/kg
SEK 49.90

Kronosept förlossningsbinda 20 st

For medical advice, please contact DOZ Apotek's customer service at, +46 771 23 10 00. DOZ Apotek reserves the right to charge you as a customer for handling costs in case you are unavailable at the notified time. Costs for medication (both over-the-counter and prescription) that are not collected or returned will be charged to you as the customer. Medications that are returned must, by law, be destroyed and cannot be resold or shipped again.

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Vårbergstorget 11

127 43 Stockholm

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