DOZ Apotek Esplanaden

Advice & more.

Most ordered

SEK 199.00

Viruseptin Avsvällande nässpray 20 ml

20 mlSEK 9,950.00/l
SEK 125.00

Bisolduo sirap 100 ml

100 mlSEK 1,250.00/l
SEK 219.00

Clearblue Digitalt Ultratidigt Graviditetstest 2 st

76 gSEK 2,881.58/kg
SEK 169.00

Coldy halsspray 30 ml

30 mlSEK 5,633.33/l
SEK 31.00

Kleenex Balsam Näsduk 8-pack 8 x 9 st

192 gSEK 161.46/kg
SEK 159.00

Puori D3 D-vitamin 120 st

54 gSEK 2,944.44/kg
SEK 69.00

TENA Discreet Extra 10 st

215 gSEK 320.93/kg
SEK 119.00

Viruseptin Sugtabletter 16 st

52 gSEK 2,288.46/kg
SEK 109.00

Veet Pure Vaxremsor Sensitive ben 20 st

64 gSEK 1,703.13/kg
SEK 57.00

DOZ Apotek Vätskeersättning Citron/lime 20 st

SEK 34.00

Barebells Soft Protein Bar Coco Choco 55 g

55 gSEK 618.18/kg
SEK 199.00

Brilliant Smile Whitening Munskölj 250 ml

250 mlSEK 796.00/l
SEK 27.00

Vicks Honey Fresh 72 g

72 gSEK 375.00/kg
SEK 299.00

Clearblue Advanced Digital Ägglossningstest 1 st

70 gSEK 4,271.43/kg
SEK 139.00

Vichy Stress resist antiperspirant deodorant roll-on 72h 50 ml

50 mlSEK 2,780.00/l
SEK 65.00

TENA Discreet Ultra Binda Normal 16 st

162 gSEK 401.23/kg
SEK 119.00

Braun digital termometer PRT1000 1 st

80 gSEK 1,487.50/kg
SEK 199.00

Ida Warg self-tanning face and body mousse 150 ml

150 mlSEK 1,326.67/l
SEK 81.90

Bepanthen salva 30 g

30 gSEK 2,730.00/kg
SEK 175.00

GUM AftaClear Skölj 120 ml

120 mlSEK 1,458.33/l
SEK 189.00

Lactal Balans Gel 10 x 5 ml

114 gSEK 1,657.89/kg
SEK 129.00

ACO Volumising Shampoo 250 ml

250 mlSEK 516.00/l
SEK 59.00

Ekulf Fuktisar Apple 30 st

47 gSEK 1,255.32/kg
SEK 39.00

Needs nagelklippare liten 1 st

21 gSEK 1,857.14/kg
SEK 129.00

ColdZyme Munspray 7 ml

7 mlSEK 18,428.57/l
SEK 109.00

Revaxör örondroppar med sköljblåsa 10 ml

10 mlSEK 10,900.00/l
SEK 35.00

Depend Minilack Oxygen A136 5 ml

20 gSEK 1,750.00/kg
SEK 109.00

Flux+ Gum Care 500 ml

500 mlSEK 218.00/l
SEK 135.00

Addeira GascolDuo 20 st

35 gSEK 3,857.14/kg
SEK 159.00

Bronwel Night 120 ml

120 mlSEK 1,325.00/l

For medical advice, please contact DOZ Apotek's customer service at, +46 771 23 10 00. DOZ Apotek reserves the right to charge you as a customer for handling costs in case you are unavailable at the notified time. Costs for medication (both over-the-counter and prescription) that are not collected or returned will be charged to you as the customer. Medications that are returned must, by law, be destroyed and cannot be resold or shipped again.

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Esplanaden 1

172 67 Stockholm

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