DOZ Apotek Bredden

Advice & more.

Peeling & Ansiktsmask

SEK 274.00

Avene Soothing hydrating mask 50 ml

SEK 95.00

Eucerin Hyaluron-filler intensive mask 1 st

30 gSEK 3,166.67/kg
SEK 249.00

Kocostar Princess eye patch gold 60 st

177 gSEK 1,406.78/kg
SEK 149.00

L300 Niacinamide Pure Calm Overnight Mask 60 ml

60 mlSEK 2,483.33/l
SEK 363.00

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Micro-peeling gel 400 ml

400 mlSEK 907.50/l
SEK 69.00

Lumene Kirkas sheet mask 1 st

37 gSEK 1,864.86/kg
SEK 25.00

Stay Well Vegan Shee 20 g

20 gSEK 1,250.00/kg
SEK 25.00

Stay Well Vegan Sheet Mask Aloe 20 g

20 gSEK 1,250.00/kg
SEK 25.00

Stay Well Vegan Sheet Mask Avocado 20 g

20 gSEK 1,250.00/kg
SEK 25.00

Stay Well Vegan Sheet Mask Blueberry 20 g

20 gSEK 1,250.00/kg
SEK 109.00

ACO Face cleansing scrub 50 ml

50 mlSEK 2,180.00/l
SEK 139.00

Lumene Puhdas birch scrub 75 ml

75 mlSEK 1,853.33/l

For medical advice, please contact DOZ Apotek customer service via, +46 771 23 10 00. DOZ Apotek reserves the right to charge you as a customer for costs related to the handling if you as a customer were not available at the notified time. Costs for medications (both over-the-counter and prescription) that are not collected or returned will be charged to you as the customer. Medications that are returned must, by law, be destroyed and cannot be resold or shipped out again.

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194 61 Stockholm

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