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För rådgivning av läkemedel, vänligen kontakta DOZ Apotek kundservice via, +46 771 23 10 00.
För rådgivning av läkemedel, vänligen kontakta DOZ Apotek kundservice via, +46 771 23 10 00.
For medical advice, please contact DOZ Apotek customer service via, +46 771 23 10 00. DOZ Apotek reserves the right to charge you as a customer for costs related to the handling if you as a customer were not available at the notified time. Costs for medications (both over-the-counter and prescription) that are not collected or returned will be charged to you as the customer. Medications that are returned must, by law, be destroyed and cannot be resold or shipped out again.
Monday | 10:30–19:15 |
Tuesday | 10:30–19:15 |
Wednesday | 10:30–19:15 |
Thursday | 10:30–19:15 |
Friday | 10:30–19:15 |
Saturday | 10:30–16:15 |
Sunday | 11:30–16:15 |