DOZ Apotek Teleborg

Advice & more.

Kost & Hälsa

SEK 109.00

Active Care Vitaminbjörnar 60 st

161 gSEK 677.02/kg
  • 18+
  • Medicine
SEK 99.00

D-vitamin Olja ACO, orala droppar, lösning 80 IE/droppe 25 milliliter

25 mlSEK 3,960.00/l
  • 18+
  • Medicine
SEK 189.00

Vermox, oral suspension 20 mg/ml McNeil Sweden AB 30 milliliter

30 mlSEK 6,300.00/l
SEK 79.00

Apofri D-vitamin Olja Apofri orala droppar, lösning 80 IE/droppe 25 ml

25 mlSEK 3,160.00/l
SEK 159.00

Monkids Multivitamin Hallon Barn 60 st

162 gSEK 981.48/kg
SEK 189.00

Monkids Fiskolja Citron Barn 60 st

162 gSEK 1,166.67/kg
SEK 159.00

Monkids C-vitamin + Zink Fruktsmak 60 st

190 gSEK 836.84/kg
SEK 179.00

Monkids Multivitamin Apelsin Barn 60 st

190 gSEK 942.11/kg
SEK 159.00

Monkids Multivitamin Jordgubb Barn 60st

190 gSEK 836.84/kg
SEK 169.00

Monkids D-vitamin Jordgubb 60 st

162 gSEK 1,043.21/kg
SEK 169.00

Monkids Mineral Ananas 60 st

162 gSEK 1,043.21/kg
SEK 123.00

MittVal Barn 100 st

135 gSEK 911.11/kg
SEK 149.00

VitaBeaner hallon 90 st

187 gSEK 796.79/kg
SEK 149.00

VitaBeaner äpple 90 st

187 gSEK 796.79/kg
SEK 225.00

Pharbio Omega-3 barn 70 st

68 gSEK 3,308.82/kg
  • Sold out
SEK 149.00

VitaBeaner apelsin 90 st

187 gSEK 796.79/kg
SEK 233.00

Eskio-3 Kids Omega-3 210 ml

210 mlSEK 1,109.52/l
SEK 180.00

Eskio-3 Kids chewable 27 st

40 gSEK 4,500.00/kg

For medical advice, please contact DOZ Apotek customer service via, +46 771 23 10 00. DOZ Apotek reserves the right to charge you as a customer for costs related to the handling if you as a customer were not available at the notified time. Costs for medications (both over-the-counter and prescription) that are not collected or returned will be charged to you as the customer. Medications that are returned must, by law, be destroyed and cannot be resold or shipped out again.

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Skogsuddevägen 1

352 51 Växjö

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