QQ Express-Nyugati

Fresh Asian Delights, Right Around the Corner!

Chips, Snack

999 Ft

Nuts holic hot spicy almond 30g

30 g33 300 Ft/kg
999 Ft

Nuts holic strawberry almond 30g

30 g33 300 Ft/kg
999 Ft

Nuts Holic Banana Almond 30g

30 g33 300 Ft/kg
1599 Ft

KR NH Pörkölt Zöld Tea Alga / Roasted Green Tea Laver 3*4g

12 g133 250 Ft/kg
899 Ft

BIBIGO Seaweed Snack BBQ 4g

899 Ft

BIBIGO Seaweed Snack Sea Salt 4g

4 g22 475 Ft / 100 g
899 Ft

BIBIGO Tengeri Alga Snack Csípős Chili/Seaweed Snack Hot Chili 4g

4 g224 750 Ft/kg
2199 Ft

Tengeri alga snack tempura fűszeres 40g

40 g54 975 Ft/kg
999 Ft

JP Meito Pukupuku Tai Air-In Eper Ízesítésű 16,5g

16 g6243,75 Ft / 100 g
1699 Ft

JP Bourbon Csokoládé Snack 66g

66 g25 742,42 Ft/kg
3799 Ft

Ragadós Rizs Torta Eredeti Keksz/Cookie Glutinous Rice Cake Original 258g

258 g14 724,81 Ft/kg
1399 Ft

Hagyma karikák csípős/Onion Rings Hot 40g

40 g34 975 Ft/kg
2199 Ft

Hagyma carikák/Onion Rings 90g

90 g24 433,33 Ft/kg
1499 Ft

Oreo epres ízű töltött keksz/Strawberry Flavoured Cookies 97g

97 g15 453,61 Ft/kg
1499 Ft

Oreo zöld tea ízű fagyalaltos keksz/ Ice Cream Matcha Flavor 97g

97 g15 453,61 Ft/kg
1499 Ft

Oreo születésnapi torta ízű/Birthday Cake Flavor 97g

97 g15 453,61 Ft/kg
1499 Ft

Oreo Szendvics Keksz Áfonya-Málna /Raspberry + Blueberry Flavor 97g

1499 Ft

Szendvics Keksz Szőlőés Barack Ízesítés/Oreo Cookies (Grape and Peach) 97g

97 g15 453,61 Ft/kg
799 Ft

Csokis keksz eper/Cookies Chocolate Strawberry 112g

112 g7133,93 Ft/kg
1099 Ft

Oreo Kakaós Ropogós Vanília Ízű/Cocoa Cookies Vanilla Flavor 40g

40 g27 475 Ft/kg
1099 Ft

Oreo Kakaós Ropogós Barack Ízű/ Cocoa Crisp Peach Flavor 40g

40 g27 475 Ft/kg
1399 Ft

Want Want csokoládéízűpiskóta / Puff Chocolate Flavor 56g

56 g24 982,14 Ft/kg
1399 Ft

Garnélarák chips/Shrimp Cracker 75 g

75 g18 653,33 Ft/kg
3299 Ft

Bigroll hínárfalat fűszeres /seaweed snack spicy 27g

27 g122 185,19 Ft/kg
1299 Ft

Choco stick pattogó cukorka /Choco Stick Popping Candy 54g

54 g24 055,56 Ft/kg
1099 Ft

Want Want Rizskeksz sült tengeri hínár mini/Rice Cracker Fried Seaweed Mini 60g

60 g18 316,67 Ft/kg
3299 Ft

Wei Long Konjak Snack Savanyú és Csípős Ízesítés/Snack Hot Sour 252g

252 g13 091,27 Ft/kg

Our snack shop is a proud part of a logistics company that specializes in importing the most authentic snacks from Japan, Korea, and China to the Hungarian market. We are dedicated to bringing the true flavors of Asia directly to our customers, ensuring that every product reflects the quality and authenticity of its origin. Our business model focuses on convenience, offering not only a wide selection of snacks but also light meals and a comfortable dine-in area for those looking to enjoy a quick, satisfying meal. Currently, we operate two retail stores and are excited to expand further with plans to open more locations in the near future. Whether you're craving Japanese delicacies, Korean treats, or Chinese classics, our store is your go-to destination for all things Asian snacks.

Hasonló helyek megtekintése


Teréz körút 56-60. Fszt. 4.

1066 Budapest

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