Vitamini Tamar Mepe

ვიტამინების მაღაზიათა ქსელი


23,00 ₾25,00

BEAUTY JAR - Don’t Panic it’s Organic Hydrating bath crystals with coconut oil(6

23,00 ₾25,00

BEAUTY JAR - Confetti Foaming bath crystals with litsea cubeba(600გრ)

23,00 ₾25,00

BEAUTY JAR - My little princess Soothing bath crystals with rose petals(600გრ)

21,00 ₾23,00

BEAUTY JAR - Summer Days Energizing bath crystals with orange peel oil(250გრ)

17,00 ₾19,00

BEAUTY JAR - Violet Velvet Sparkling bath with sweet almond oil & Vitamin e(250გ

17,00 ₾19,00

BEAUTY JAR - Magic Powder Sparkling bath with sweet almond oil & Vitamin e(250გრ

18,00 ₾20,00

BEAUTY JAR - Earth Day bath bomb(150გრ)

18,00 ₾20,00

BEAUTY JAR - Tangerine bath bomb(150გრ)

19,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Brain Storm scalp scrub (100გრ)

19,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Brain Storm scalp scrub (100გრ)

26,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - I Have Feelings Shampoo bar for sensitive scalp(65გრ)

26,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - All Righty Shampoo bar for normal hair(65გრ)

26,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Big Badaboom solid shampoo bar(65გრ)

27,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Multi-Tool Men shampoo bar for hair body and bear(60გრ)

19,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Mintallica scalp scrub(100გრ)

42,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - My Beard My Rules 99% Beard butter(90გრ)

19,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Cherry Pie lips peeling(120გრ)

22,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Fitness Nuts body scrub(200გრ)

25,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Mon Amour perfumed shower gel(250მლ)

25,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Citrus Fresh refreshing Shower gel(250მლ)

25,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Bubble Gum foaming shower gel(250მლ)

23,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Intimacy Gel for intimate wash for sensitive skin(250მლ)

23,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Intimacy Gel for intimate wash for sensitive skin(250მლ)

25,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Hello Beautiful gentle shower gel for sensitive skin(250მლ)

27,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Coconut Ritmico shower gel(400მლ)

20,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Delicate Question Cream for intimate hygiene(150მლ)

21,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Super Hero low pH face cleansing gel(150მლ)

27,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Pomelo Fusion shower gel(400მლ)

27,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Mango Jazz Fest shower gel(400მლ)

27,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Bubble Bluze shower gel(400მლ)

26,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Eat Sleep Shower Repeat 2 in 1 men shampoo & body wash(250მლ)

20,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Scalp Culture Clarifying scalp scrub & mask(100გრ)

27,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Keratino Film Hair spray(100მლ)

13,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Shower Power shampoo and shower gel(100მლ)

13,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Witness The Fitness shampoo and shower gel(100მლ)

13,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - All Inclusive Shampoo and conditioner 2in1(100მლ)

25,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Like a Boss 2 in 1 shampoo / shower gel(250მლ)

13,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - All Yours Shampoo and Conditioner(100მლ)

28,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Silky Vilky hair and scalp repair serum(100მლ)

28,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Woom Volume Boom hair volume spray(100მლ)

28,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Root Booster Strengthening hair serum(100მლ)

36,00 ₾

BEAUTY JAR - Shine Like a Diamond body cream(150მლ)

შპს ჯეო-ოლიმპი 405089835 ვიტამინების მაღაზიათა ქსელი

მსგავსი მაღაზიების ნახვა


#9 Tamar Mepe Avenue

0112 თბილისი

ნახეთ რუკა

მიტანის დრო


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