
K-Supermarket Petonen

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2,19 €

Chalupa maissi-vehnätortilla 10kpl/250g

3,55 €

Old El Paso Maissitortilla 335g Medium

2,49 €

Old El Paso SnS Tortilla 193g 8kpl

2,89 €

Old El Paso Täysjyvävehnätortilla 326g Medium

3,19 €

Old El Paso tortilla 216g gluteeniton

4,15 €

Old El Paso Tortilla 4kpl 215g Gluteeniton

3,79 €

Old El Paso Tortilla pockets 223g

1,69 €

Old El Paso vehnätortilla 326g Medium size

3,15 €

Old El Paso Vehnätortilla 350g Large

1,49 €

Pirkka iso vehnätortilla 6kpl/370g

1,49 €

Pirkka täysjyvävehnätortilla 8kpl/320g

1,19 €

Pirkka vehnätortilla 8kpl/320g

2,69 €

Santa Maria Oat Tortilla Medium 6kpl 240g

2,09 €

Santa Maria Tex Mex Tortilla 320g Medium

3,15 €

Santa Maria Tortilla Corn & Wheat Medium 8 kpl, 336g

2,25 €

Santa Maria Tortilla Corn & Wheat Small (8-pack) 200g

2,59 €

Santa Maria Tortilla Original Large vehnätortilla 6 kpl 371g

3,29 €

Santa Maria Tortilla Whole Wheat Medium täysjyvätortilla 8 kpl 320g

2,95 €

Doritos Nacho Cheese 170g

2,95 €

Doritos Sweet chilli pepper 170g

3,55 €

Indian Nacho maissilastu 400g Original

2,19 €

Indian Original nacho maissilastu 180g

1,29 €

K-Menu tortillachips sour cream-onion 200g

2,49 €

Old El Paso Tortilla Chips Sea Salt 185g

4,59 €

Old El Paso Tortilla Nachips 450g Original

2,49 €

Old El Paso Tortilla Nachips Original 185g

1,69 €

Pirkka tortillachips 200g

1,69 €

Pirkka tortillachips cheese 200g

2,19 €

Santa Maria 185g Tortilla Strips Sweet Chili -maissitortillalastut

3,99 €

Santa Maria Mini Nacho Chips 475g

1,85 €

Santa Maria Nacho Chips maissilastut 185g

3,99 €

Santa Maria nacho chips orginal 475g

1,85 €

Santa Maria Tortilla Chips Cheese & Jalapeño 185g

1,85 €

Santa Maria Tortilla Chips Cheese 185g

3,99 €

Santa Maria Tortilla Chips Cheese 475g

1,85 €

Santa Maria Tortilla Chips Salted 185g

3,99 €

Santa Maria Tortilla Chips Salted 475g

2,59 €

Old El Paso tacokuoret 156g

2,19 €

Auran Cheddar juustokastike 120g

2,99 €

Chalupa Chipotle-aiolimajoneesi 250ml

2,99 €

Chalupa Chipotle-kastike 250ml

2,99 €

Chalupa Lime-aiolimajoneesi 250ml

1,95 €

Chalupa Picante Salsa 165g

3,75 €

El Taco Truck Cheezy Sauce 200ml

3,75 €

El Taco Truck Chili Mayo majoneesi 200ml Medium Spicy, Creamy, Vegan

3,39 €

El Taco Truck Classic Salsa 215g

3,59 €

El Taco Truck Habanero Salsa 200ml

3,75 €

El Taco Truck Jalapeno Lime Mayo majoneesi 200ml

2,79 €

Indian Salsa 300g Medium

2,79 €

Indian Salsa 300g mieto

Get your groceries home delivered from our wide selection! Collect Plussa points from your orders. Please always check the product information on the sales packaging. Brick-and-mortar store offers are not valid in Wolt.

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70820 Kuopio

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