Intersport Finland

Intersport Jumbo

Best brands for sports and leisure.


Mahdolliset tuotteiden vaihdot ja palautukset tapahtuvat Intersportin toimipisteissä mistä Wolt-tilaus on tehty 14 päivän kuluessa toimituksen vastaanottamisesta. Vaihto- ja palautusoikeus edellyttää, että tuote ja alkuperäispakkaus on palauttaessa myyntikunnossa. Lisätietoja osoitteesta

28,00 €

adidas Classic Badge of Sport Swim Shorts JR Musta

28,00 €

adidas Classic 3-Stripes Swim Boxers Musta

38,00 €

adidas 3-Stripes Swimsuit Jr Musta

38,00 €

adidas 3 Stripes Swim Boxer Musta

44,90 €

Arena Kikko V Mid Jammer Uimahousu M Musta

34,90 €

Arena Team Swim Short Solid Uimahousu M Musta

74,90 €

Arena Bodylift Jewel Low C-cup Uimapuku W Musta

42,90 €

Speedo Medley Logo Aquashort M Harmaa

42,90 €

Speedo Medley Logo Aquashort M Tummansininen

74,90 €

Arena Bodylift Jewel Low C-cup Uimapuku W Musta

42,90 €

Arena Team Challenge Solid Uimapuku Musta

42,90 €

Arena Team Swim Pro Solid Uimapuku. Musta

39,90 €

Speedo ECO Endurance+ Medalist Jr Musta

44,90 €

Speedo ECO Endurance + Aquashort M Musta

49,90 €

Speedo ECO Endurance + Jammer M Musta

29,90 €

Speedo Medley Logo Aquashort JR Musta

42,90 €

Speedo Medley Logo Aquashort M Musta

59,90 €

Speedo Eco Endurance+ Kickback W Musta

29,90 €

Speedo Essential 13" Watershort Jr Musta

34,90 €

Speedo Essentials 16" Watershort M Musta

34,90 €

Arena Fundamentals Boxer R Uimashortsit M Punainen

34,90 €

Arena Fundamentals Boxer R Uimashortsit M Harmaa

34,90 €

Arena Fundamentals Boxer R Uimashortsit M Vaaleansininen

34,90 €

Arena Fundamentals Boxer R Uimashortsit M Musta

29,90 €

Speedo Essential 13" Watershort Jr Punainen

29,90 €

Speedo Essential 13" Watershort Jr Vaaleansininen

34,90 €

Speedo Essentials 16" Watershort M Punainen

34,90 €

Speedo Essentials 16" Watershort M Sininen

34,90 €

Speedo Essentials 16" Watershort M Koralli

34,90 €

Speedo Essentials 16" Watershort M Petrooli

79,90 €

Speedo Shaping Cross Knot W Musta

Make it your game! Best brands for sports and leisure with expert guidance. Possible product exchanges and returns take place at Intersport stores where the Wolt order has been made. Consumers have a statutory right to cancel the sale within 14 days of receiving the delivery in distance selling. The right of exchange and return requires that the product and the original packaging are in a saleable condition when returned. More information at


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01510 Vanda

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