NolMari Flower Boutique Larnaca

Large selection of cut and potted flowers, decor and gift items!



Gold Lady


Open Box with Roses


Heart Box with Roses and Strawberries


Dome with Roses and Chocolate


Forever Rose Chocolate Dome


Plexi Red Forever Roses


Black Heart Box with Chocolates


Pink and Red Shades in Box with Teddy


Silver and Purple Box


Red and Black Bouquet


Roses Bouquet with Small Teddies


Luxury Huge Basket


Luxury Wooden Box


Heart Box with Teddy and Roses


Roses Love Box


Ceramic Vaze Red Heart


Ceramic Vaze Pink Heart


15 Roses in a Red Glass Vaze with a Teddy


Glass Vaze with Roses and a Heart


Heart Box with 9 Roses


Paper Box with 5 Roses


Glass Vaze with 9 Roses and a Heart


Wooden Box with Roses


Paper Box with 9 Roses


Medium Size Love Box with 7 Roses


Big Size Love Box with 7 Roses


Big Size Love Box with 13 Roses


I Love You Box with Roses


Love Pink Box


Romantic Roses Box


Teddy Bears for Valentine's


Love Teddies in a Box


Bouquet with Red Soap Roses


Bouquet with Peach Soap Roses


Bag with Soap Bouquet


Eternal Forever Rose with Certificate


Dolly Foam Roses


Soft Cream Roses Box


Snoopy Foam Dog


Unicorn Foam Small


Unicorn Foam Big


Heart Foam


Two Colored Foam Teddy


Three colored Foam Teddy


Forever Roses with Teddy Bear

Large selection of cut and potted flowers, decor and gift items!

Benzer dükkanları göster


Spyrou Kyprianou 87

6051 Larnaca

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