Clelia Flower & Plant Shop

Since 1978 we are here to help you express your feelings throughout plants and flowers!

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Small Chrysanthemum Bouquet


Small Spathiphyllum (Peace lily) in a Ceramic Pot


Mixed Mini Roses Bouquet


Medium Poinsettia


Medium Red Anthurium


Bouquet With White Chrysanthemums and Lisianthus

  • 1 kaldı

Small Blue/White Chrysanthemum Bouquet


Silver Forever Rose in Tall Glass Dome


Pink/ Fuchsia Forever Rose in Tall Glass Dome


Pink/ Fuchsia Forever Rose in Short Glass Dome


Galaxy Black Forever Rose in Tall Glass Dome


Mint Forever Rose in Tall Glass Dome


Pink Forever Rose in Tall Glass Dome


Orange Forever Rose in Short Glass Dome


Pastel/Rainbow Forever Rose in Tall Glass Dome


Zamioculca zamiifolia - H50P12


Big Chrysanthemum Bouquet


Large Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily) 70cm


Poinsettia Large Size


Bouquet For Funeral


Bouquet With A Variety Of Flowers

Since 1978 we are here to help you express your feelings throughout plants and flowers!

Benzer dükkanları göster


Ayias Zonis 56

3090 Limassol

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