Pharmacy Chloe Filippou

All products you need with just a click!



Vitis Aloe Vera Toothpaste Apple-Mint, 100ml


Vitis Anticaries Mouthwash 500ml

  • Tükendi

Vitis Anticaries Toothpaste 100ml


Vitis Baby Gel Ointment For Gums 0+ Years + Thimble Gift, 30ml


Vitis Dental Floss Unwaxed


Vitis Dental Floss Waxed


Vitis Gingival Mouthwash 500ml


Vitis Gingival Toothpaste

  • Tükendi

Vitis Junior Dental Gel Tutti Frutti 6+, 75ml


Vitis Junior Gel Toothpaste


Vitis Kids Dental Gel Cherry 2+, 50 ml


Vitis Orthodontic Mouthwash 150 Ml


Vitis Orthodontic Mouthwash 500 Ml


Vitis Orthodontic Relief Wax


Vitis Orthodontic Toothbrush


Vitis Orthodontic Toothpaste


Vitis Orthodontic Toothpaste 100ml


Vitis Gingival Toothbrush


Vitis Hard Toothbrush


Vitis Medium Toothbrush


Vitis Toothbrush Perio


Vitis Soft Toothbrush


Vitis Toothbrush Ultrasoft


Vitis Waxed Fluor.&Menta(Green)


Vitis Waxed Soft Dental Floss Pink


Vitis Whitening Mouthwash 500 Ml


Vitis Whitening Toothpaste

All products you need with just a click!

Benzer dükkanları göster


Larnakos Ave 3, Aglantzia, Cyprus

1048 Lefkoşa

Haritayı göster

Teslimat zamanları

Monday08:00–13:15, 15:00–18:15
Tuesday08:00–13:15, 15:00–18:15
Thursday08:00–13:15, 15:00–18:15
Friday08:00–13:15, 15:00–18:15