
PharmaSyn Paphou

Our concern is your care!



Biorepair Plus Parodontgel Toothgel 75ml


Intermed Chlorhexil-F Toothpaste, 100ml


Curaprox Kids Toothpaste Strawberry Flavor Fluoride 950Ppx 0Y+, 60ml


Vitis Perio-Aid Intensive Care Toothpaste 75ml


Vitis Aloe Vera Toothpaste Apple-Mint, 100ml


Vitis Anticaries Toothpaste 100ml


Vitis Gingival Toothpaste 100ml


Vitis Junior Dental Gel Tutti Frutti 6+, 75ml


Vitis Orthodontic Toothpaste 100ml


Vitis Sensitive Toothpaste 100ml


Edel White Children, Toothpaste Set


Edel Care Forte, Toothpaste


Edel Sel De Vie Osmotonic, Toothpaste


Elgydium Antiplaque Toothpaste, 75ml


Elgydium Brilliance & Care Anti-Stain Toothpaste Cure, 30ml


Elgydium Baby Toothpaste Gel 6M-2Y, 30ml


Elgydium Clinic Perioblock Pro Toothpaste, 50ml


Elgydium Clin Sensileave T/Paste 50ml


Elgydium Decay Protection Toothpaste, 75ml


Elgydium Κids Emoji Toothpaste Gel With Fresh Strawberry Flavour, 50ml


Elgydium Gums Organic Certified Eco Toothpaste, 100ml


Elgydium Junior Toothpaste Gel With Bubble Gum Flavor 7-12Y, 50 ml


Elgydium Junior Toothpaste Gel, Παιδική Οδοντόκρεμα Τζέλ Με Γεύση Μέντα, 50ml


Elgydium Kids Toothpaste Gel With Banana Flavor 2-6Y, 50ml


Elgydium Kids Red Berries Οδοντόκρεμα Για Παιδιά 3-6 Ετών 1000Ppm 50ml


Elgydium Timer Kids Toothpaste Παιδική Οδοντόκρεμα 3Y+, 50ml


Elgydium Multi Actions Toothpaste, 75ml


Elgydium Plaque Disclosing Toothpaste, 50ml


Elgydium Sensitive Fluorinol Toothpaste Gel, 75ml


Elgydium Whitening Toothpaste, 75ml


Elgydium Whitening Toothpaste Cool Lemon, 75ml


Gum Junior 7+yrs Tutti Frutty Toothpaste 50ml


Gum Original White Toothpaste 75ml


Gum Ortho Toothpaste 75ml


Gum Paroex 0.06% Chx Toothpaste 75ml


Gum Paroex 0.12% Chx Toothpaste 75ml


Gum Sensivital Toothpaste 75ml


Gum Offer Sensivital + Original White Set 2T/P & 2T/Br


Gum Set Paroex 2X Οδοντόπαστα & 2X Οδοντόβουρτσα


Gum Paroex + White Offer


Gum Toothbrush 3 - 6 Years Kids


Kin Gingival Complex 0,12% Clorhexidina 0,05 Cetylpyridinium Cloride 75ml


Sensikin Sensitive Toothpaste, 75ml


Intermed Medinol Toothpaste, 100ml


Parodontax Complete Protection Extra Fresh Toothpaste 75ml


Intermed Unident Kids Toothpaste 1000Ppm Fluoride 2Y+, 50ml


Intermed Unident Kids Toothpaste 1400Ppm Fluoride 6Y+, 50ml


Intermed Unident Pharma White Smile Care Toothpaste, 75ml


Intermed Unisept Toothpaste, 100ml


Xerostom Toothpaste, 50M

Diğer sonuçlar

Our concern is your care!

Benzer dükkanları göster


Anthipolochagou Georgiou Savva str.,43 Geroskipou

8201 Paphos

Haritayı göster

Teslimat zamanları

Monday08:30–13:30, 15:00–18:00
Tuesday08:30–13:30, 15:00–18:00
Thursday08:30–13:30, 15:00–18:00
Friday08:30–13:30, 15:00–18:00