Philippou Flower Shop Agapinoros

Flowers and a wide variety of flower arrangements and bouquets for every occasion!


  • Popüler

Bouquet 9 Roses RED


Bouquet 31 Roses RED


Bouquet 101 Roses RED


Bouquet 251 roses RED


Bouquet 501 roses RED

  • Tükendi

Small bouquet Mix Seasonal


Medium bouquet Mix Seasonal


Large bouquet Mix Seasonal


SMALL BOUQUET mix colours(blue,pink,white,red etc)


LARGE BOUQUET mix colours(blue,pink,white,red etc)


SMALL bouquet blue and pink colour


MEDIUM bouquet blue and pink colour


LARGE bouquet blue and pink colour

  • Popüler

Bouquet 15 Roses RED

  • Popüler

Bouquet 9 Roses white and pink


Bouquet 31 Roses white and pink

  • Tükendi

SMALL bouquet PINK Roses


MEDIUM bouquet PINK Roses


LARGE bouquet PINK Roses


Small bouquet of lillys


Medium bouquet of lillys


Large bouquet of lillys


Bouquet 15 Roses white and pink


Small bouquet of tulips


Medium bouquet of tulips


Large bouquet of tulips


Xlarge mix bouquet (white with pink colours)


Bouquet 100 Roses RED and 1 WHITE with gypsofillo


Medium bouquet of oriental lilly (they smell)


Large bouquet of oriental lilly (they smell)

Give your loved ones colorful bouquets, unique flower arrangements and everlasting roses to decorate their home!


20 Agapinoros

8049 Paphos

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