Berlin Market

Welcome to Berlin Market!



Suntat Weisse Bohnen

540 g€3.76/kg

Suntat Wachtelbohnen

400 g€2.98/kg

Suntat Weisse Riesenbohnen

240 g€5.46/kg

Suntat Wachtelbohnen

480 g€4.23/kg

Suntat Weisse Bohnen

400 g€2.68/kg

Suntat Jumbo Fasulye Haslama

480 g€4.73/kg

Suntat Kidneybohnen

480 g€4.23/kg

Suntat Fasulye Haslama

540 g€2.65/kg

Suntat Kirmizi Kidney Fasulye

400 g€3.88/kg

Suntat Riesenbohnen

400 g€6.58/kg

Suntat Bohnenpeperoni Scharf

550 g€4.35/kg

Ipek Weisse Bohnen

800 g€2.24/kg

Dere Gekochte Borlottibohnen

400 g€2.68/kg

Dere Kidneybohnen

400 g€2.98/kg

Dere Kidneybohnen

800 g€2.54/kg

Dere Gekochte Weisse Bohnen

400 g€2.68/kg

Dere Haslanmis Fasulye

480 g€3.73/kg

Dere Haslanmis Nohut

480 g€3.73/kg

Dere Haslanmis Barbunya

480 g€3.73/kg

Chtoura Garden Gekochte Fava Bohnen

400 g€2.98/kg

Chtoura Garden Grüne Breite Bohnen

850 g€4.65/kg

Chtoura Garden Gekochte Fava Bohnen

1 pc€1.19/pc

Edeka Herzstücke Schwarze Bohnen

400 g€3.88/kg

Edeka Herzstücke Schwarze Bohnen

400 g€3.88/kg

Welcome to our friendly neighbourhood halal supermarket! You'll find everything you need to live, from everyday essentials to exciting global flavours. And don't miss our fantastic selection of fresh halal meat for delicious dishes you'll love. Stop by and enjoy the taste of home in our cosy shop! Seller Company: Fahrettin Kaynar Address: Hermannstraße 126, 12051, Berlin, Germany Representative: Fahrettin Kaynar E-Mail:

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Hermannstraße 126

12051 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).