Berlin Market

Welcome to Berlin Market!



Egetürk Avci Sosis Rindswürstchen

550 g€8.71/kg

Egetürk TonTon Sigir Eti Izgaralik Sosis

5 pcs€1.32/pc

Egetürk Boncuk Sosis Rindswürstchen

200 g€23.95/kg

Egetürk Babacan Rinderwürste

10 pcs€1.32/pc

Egetürk Pinar Sosis Rinderwürstchen

550 g€8.71/kg

Robert Chicken Luncheon Meat

850 g€9.87/kg

Robert Chicken Luncheon Meat scharf

340 g€10.56/kg

Robert Chicken Luncheon Meat mit Oliven

340 g€10.56/kg

Hana Luncheon Meat mit Rind

340 g€11.62/kg

Hana Chicken Luncheon Meat

340 g€9.85/kg

Hana Luncheon Meat mit Rind

200 g€13.75/kg

Podravska Kokosja Pasteta

135 g€15.93/kg

Podravka Rindgulasch

200 g€20.95/kg

Podravka Govedi Narezak Okskiva

200 g€19.75/kg

Efepasa Burcu Sosis Geflügewürstchen

250 g€14.36/kg

Efepaşa İnci Cocktail Geflügelwürstchen

400 g€8.98/kg

Esma Tavuk Sosis

250 g€9.56/kg

Esma Geflügelwürstchen

550 g€4.35/kg

Ovako Pileci Ragu

200 g€10.75/kg

Ovako Pileci Narezak

150 g€15.93/kg

Özyörem Hindi Sosis

250 g€13.88/kg

Freshly Chicken Luncheon Meat

850 g€8.18/kg

Delatera Goveji Golaž Rindergulasch

300 g€16.77/kg

Zwan Hähnchen Mortadella

200 g€11.95/kg

Welcome to our friendly neighbourhood halal supermarket! You'll find everything you need to live, from everyday essentials to exciting global flavours. And don't miss our fantastic selection of fresh halal meat for delicious dishes you'll love. Stop by and enjoy the taste of home in our cosy shop! Seller Company: Fahrettin Kaynar Address: Hermannstraße 126, 12051, Berlin, Germany Representative: Fahrettin Kaynar E-Mail:

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Hermannstraße 126

12051 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).