Biogoods Shop

Bio groceries delivered to your doorstep

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bio Rote Bete, geschnitten 340g ATG 240g

230 g€11.26/kg

bio Gemischte Bohnen 400g

400 g€5.73/kg
  • Sold out

bio Kichererbsen 350g ATG 230g

220 g€12.23/kg

bio Zuckermais 340g ATG 230g

230 g€12.57/kg

bio Kichererbsen 400g

400 g€5.73/kg

bio Weiße Bohnen 400g

400 g€5.73/kg

bio Schwarze Bohnen 400g

400 g€5.48/kg

bio Kidneybohnen 350g ATG 215g

240 g€9.54/kg

bio Linsen 400g

400 g€5.73/kg

bio Brechbohnen 690g ATG 380g

360 g€11.36/kg

bio Erbsen, fein 350g ATG 230g

230 g€12.57/kg

bio Rotkohl 370ml ATG 335g

350 g€6.83/kg

bio Hühnerfrikassee 320g

320 g€29.34/kg

bio Weiße Bohnen in Tomatensoße 340g

360 g€8.03/kg

bio Tomaten, getrocknet 100g

100 g€29.90/kg

bio Kapern in Olivenöl 180g ATG 120g

120 g€50.75/kg

bio Grüne große Oliven in Salzlake 310g ATG 160g

160 g€35.56/kg

bio Grüne Oliven in Salzlake 310g ATG 170g

170 g€26.41/kg

bio Dunkle Oliven in Salzlake 310g ATG 170g

170 g€26.41/kg

bio Grüne & Kalamata Oliven mit Chili & Kräutern 205g

205 g€25.32/kg

bio Apfel Birnenmark, ungesüßt 360g

360 g€8.31/kg

bio Apfel Bananen Mark, ungesüßt 360g

360 g€8.31/kg

bio Apfel Rhabarbermus, ungesüßt 360g

360 g€8.31/kg

bio Apfelmark, ungesüßt 360g

360 g€8.31/kg

bio Apfelmark, ungesüßt 700g

700 g€5.56/kg

bio Apfel Mango Mark, ungesüßt 360g

360 g€8.31/kg

bio Terra Spreewälder Gewürzgurken 530g ATG 300g

300 g€14.30/kg

bio Terra Spreewälder Senfgurken 530g ATG 340g

340 g€10.85/kg
  • Sold out

bio Bauernhofsuppe Kleine Farm, für 0,75Ltr 63g

800 ml€2.24/l

Bio Rettergut Suppe Rote Linsen orientalisch

375 ml€13.31/l

Bio Rettergut Suppe Gemüse marokkanisch

375 ml€13.31/l

Your market for organic food in organic quality. Biogoods Shop does something good for our environment by selling and buying organic products. So that future generations remain healthy 🌱 Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Representative: Bassel Soukar, Trade register number: HRB 217122 B, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail:


Kastanienallee 101

10435 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).