Biogoods Shop

Bio groceries delivered to your doorstep

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bio GREEN Mandeln 200g

200 g€24.95/kg

Bio GREEN Studentenfutter

250 g€15.56/kg

bio GREEN Walnusskerne, halb 150g

150 g€21.27/kg

bio GREEN Haselnusskerne 200g

200 g€25.45/kg

bio Faire Cashews mit Rosmarin, geröstet 133g

133 g€48.05/kg

bio Faire Cashews mit Pfeffer, geröstet 133g

133 g€48.05/kg

bio Faire Cashews mit Chili, geröstet 133g

133 g€48.05/kg
  • Sold out

bio Paranusskerne 200g

200 g€28.95/kg

bio Faire Erdnüsse, süß-pikant, geröstet 125g

125 g€34.32/kg

bio Faire Erdnüsse, geröstet & gesalzen 160g

160 g€23.69/kg

bio GREEN Pinienkerne 60g

60 g€119.83/kg

bio Mangostücke 100g

100 g€35.90/kg
  • Sold out

bio Gojibeeren 100g

100 g€38.90/kg

bio Ananasstücke 100g

100 g€40.90/kg

bio Flohsamenschalen 250g

250 g€45.16/kg

bio GREEN Feigen 250g

250 g€17.56/kg

bio Apfelchips 70g

70 g€57.00/kg

bio Rosinen 250g

250 g€15.56/kg

Your market for organic food in organic quality. Biogoods Shop does something good for our environment by selling and buying organic products. So that future generations remain healthy 🌱 Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Representative: Bassel Soukar, Trade register number: HRB 217122 B, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail:


Kastanienallee 101

10435 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).