
Budni Schönhauser Allee

BUDNI - Your local drugstore since 1912.

Aufstriche, Dips



450 g€5.53/kg

Alnatura Bio Schoko-Nusscreme

500 g€13.98/kg

Alnatura Bio Schoko-Nusscreme

250 g€17.96/kg

Alnatura Bio Nuss Nougat Creme

400 g€9.23/kg

Alnatura Bio Erdnussmus Crunchy

250 g€9.96/kg

Alnatura Bio Erdnusscreme mit Erdnussstücken

250 g€10.76/kg

Alnatura Bio Erdnussmus Fein ohne Salz

250 g€9.96/kg

Alnatura Bio Mandelmus Braun

250 g€23.96/kg

Alnatura Bio Mandelmus Weiss

250 g€27.96/kg

Alnatura Bio Tahin Sesammus

250 g€14.76/kg

Alnatura Bio Apfelmark

360 g€3.58/kg

Alnatura Bio Apfelmark

700 g€2.56/kg

Alnatura Bio Apfelmark mit Aprikosen

360 g€4.69/kg

Alnatura Bio Apfelmark mit Mango Naturland

360 g€3.86/kg

Alnatura Bio Apfelmark mit Bananen

360 g€4.69/kg

Alnatura Bio Apfelmark Guave Mango Maracuja

360 g€4.69/kg

Alnatura Bio Apfelmark mit Birnen

360 g€4.42/kg

Alnatura Bio Apfelmark Johannis & Himbeere

360 g€5.53/kg

Alnatura Bio Quitte Birne Fruchtmark

360 g€5.53/kg

Alnatura Bio Pflaumenmus

450 g€8.20/kg

Alnatura Bio Fruchtaufstrich Himbeere

420 g€9.02/kg

Alnatura Bio Fruchtaufstrich Aprikose

420 g€7.12/kg

Alnatura Bio Fruchtaufstrich Sauerkirschen

420 g€7.12/kg

Alnatura Bio Fruchtaufstrich Erdbeere

420 g€7.12/kg

Alnatura Bio Fruchtaufstrich Waldfrucht

250 g€9.96/kg

Alnatura Bio Fruchtaufstrich Hagebutte

260 g€7.65/kg

Alnatura Fruchtaufstrich Himbeere mit Agavendicksaft

200 g€14.95/kg

Alnatura Bio Akazienhonig Spender

350 g€15.69/kg

Alnatura Bio Blütenhonig

350 g€9.97/kg

Alnatura Bio Ahornsirup Grad A

250 ml€19.96/l

Alnatura Bio Ahornsirup Grad C

375 ml€18.64/l

Alnatura Bio Agavendicksaft

250 ml€9.16/l

Alnatura Bio Vielblütenhonig

500 g€9.18/kg

Alnatura Bio Waldhonig

500 g€11.38/kg

Alnatura Bio Deutscher Blütenhonig

500 g€15.98/kg

Alnatura Bio Dattelsirup

180 ml€13.83/l

Alnatura Bio Streichcreme Curry Mango Papaya

180 g€9.94/kg

Alnatura Bio Streichcreme Paprika-Chili

180 g€9.94/kg

Alnatura Bio Aufstrich Gartengemüse Paprika Walnuss

135 g€14.74/kg

Alnatura Bio Paprika-Cashew Brotaufstrich

125 g€14.32/kg

Alnatura Bio Streichcreme Aubergine

180 g€9.94/kg

Alnatura Bio Streichcreme Tomate

180 g€9.94/kg

Alnatura Bio Tomate mit Basilikum

110 g€16.27/kg

Alnatura Bio Streichcreme Toskana

180 g€9.94/kg

Alnatura Bio Kichererbse mit Ingwer

120 g€14.92/kg

Alnatura Bio Hokkaido Kürbis Brotaufstrich

125 g€14.32/kg

Alnatura Bio Veganes Zwiebelschmalz

150 g€13.27/kg

Alnatura Bio Streichcreme Rote Bete Meerrettich

180 g€9.94/kg

Alnatura Bio Streichcreme Gartenkräuter

180 g€9.94/kg

Alnatura Bio Brotaufstrich Gartengemüse Spinat Walnuss

135 g€14.74/kg
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BUDNI Your drugstore since 1912. With us, everyone should feel comfortable and be well advised. We maintain this standard through constant training, the search for innovative products at fair prices and open dealings with suppliers and employees. And thanks to this attitude, we have been one of the most successful drugstores in Northern Germany since 1912. Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin General Manager: Hadi Zaklouta Trade register number: HRB 217122 B Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg E-Mail: support@wolt.com


Schönhauser Allee 120

10437 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).