Budni Schönhauser Allee

BUDNI - Your local drugstore since 1912.

Fertiggerichte, Konserven


Alnatura Vegetarische Bratwürstchen

250 g€11.96/kg

Alnatura Mini Wiener Vegan

170 g€14.65/kg

Alnatura Rote Bratwurst aus Seitan Haltbar

100 g€16.90/kg

Alnatura Salami Snack

25 g€39.60/kg

Alnatura Mandel Nuss Tofu

200 g€9.95/kg

Alnatura Tofu Natur

200 g€7.95/kg

Alnatura Räucher Tofu

200 g€8.45/kg

Alnatura Tomatencreme Suppe

46 g€21.52/kg

Alnatura Gemüse Nudel Suppe

40 g€24.75/kg

Alnatura Kartoffelpüree mit Röstzwiebeln

50 g€23.80/kg

Alnatura Kartoffel Püree

160 g€18.69/kg

Alnatura Gerste Kichererbsen & Linsen

250 g€7.96/kg

Alnatura Roter Quinoa Bulgur & Langkornreis

250 g€7.96/kg

Alnatura Bowl nach Mexikanischer Art

250 g€11.96/kg

Alnatura Bowl nach Indischer Art

250 g€11.96/kg

Alnatura Soja Schnetzel Grob

150 g€13.27/kg

Alnatura Soja Schnetzel Fein

150 g€13.27/kg

Alnatura Taboule

200 g€9.95/kg

Alnatura Vollkorn Burger Gemüse

210 g€10.90/kg

Alnatura Rote Linsen Burger

200 g€12.45/kg

Alnatura Ganze Tomaten

240 g€4.13/kg

Alnatura Tomatenstücke Kräuter

240 g€4.13/kg

Alnatura Tomatenstücke

240 g€4.13/kg

Alnatura Getrocknete Tomaten

180 g€22.17/kg

Alnatura Gewürzgurken Ungesüsst

360 g€9.14/kg

Alnatura Gewürzgurken

360 g€9.14/kg

Alnatura Cornichons Ungesüsst

190 g€14.16/kg

Alnatura Kidney Bohnen

240 g€6.21/kg

Alnatura Kidney Bohnen

240 g€5.79/kg

Alnatura Weisse Bohnen

240 g€5.38/kg

Alnatura Weisse Bohnen

240 g€5.38/kg

Alnatura Grüne Bohnen Fein Geschnitten

185 g€8.59/kg

Alnatura Erbsen Extra Fein

230 g€6.91/kg

Alnatura Erbsen & Möhren

220 g€6.77/kg

Alnatura Kichererbsen

220 g€5.86/kg

Alnatura Kichererbsen

240 g€4.96/kg

Alnatura Rote Bete

220 g€6.32/kg

Alnatura Rote Bete Ungesüsst

220 g€6.32/kg

Alnatura Peperoni

180 g€16.61/kg

Alnatura Kapern

90 g€33.22/kg

Alnatura Mais

340 g€4.38/kg

Alnatura Rotkohl

650 g€3.06/kg

Alnatura Sauerkraut

520 g€2.48/kg

Alnatura Linsen

265 g€5.25/kg

Alnatura Erbseneintopf

400 g€4.98/kg

Alnatura Kichererbsen-Kokos-Eintopf

400 g€6.23/kg

Alnatura Linseneintopf

400 g€4.73/kg

Alnatura Hühner-Nudel-Eintopf

400 g€6.23/kg

Alnatura Tomatensuppe

340 g€7.32/kg

Alnatura Karotten Kokos Suppe

375 ml€6.64/l
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BUDNI Your drugstore since 1912. With us, everyone should feel comfortable and be well advised. We maintain this standard through constant training, the search for innovative products at fair prices and open dealings with suppliers and employees. And thanks to this attitude, we have been one of the most successful drugstores in Northern Germany since 1912. Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin Representative: Oksana Lukyanenko-Sarac Trade register number: HRB 217122 B Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg E-Mail: support@wolt.com


Schönhauser Allee 120

10437 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).