Budni Schönhauser Allee

BUDNI - Your local drugstore since 1912.



Alnatura Kokos Crunchy

375 g€7.44/kg

Alnatura Schoko Hafer Crunchy

750 g€5.99/kg

Alnatura Cornflakes Ungesüsst

300 g€6.63/kg

Alnatura Cornflakes

375 g€5.84/kg

Alnatura Goldhirse

500 g€3.98/kg

Alnatura Hirse

1 kg€3.69/kg

Alnatura Hirse

500 g€4.98/kg

Alnatura Couscous

500 g€3.38/kg

Alnatura Kichererbsen Couscous

400 g€9.23/kg

Alnatura Quinoa Gepufft

125 g€23.92/kg

Alnatura Quinoa

500 g€7.98/kg

Alnatura Amaranth Gepufft

125 g€14.32/kg

Alnatura Hirseflocken

500 g€5.38/kg

Alnatura Sojaflocken

500 g€5.38/kg

Alnatura Polenta

500 g€3.38/kg

Alnatura Popcornmais

500 g€3.98/kg

Alnatura Bulgur

500 g€3.98/kg

Alnatura Hefeflocken

100 g€37.90/kg

Alnatura Beluga Linsen

500 g€5.98/kg

Alnatura Berglinsen

400 g€4.48/kg

Alnatura Rote Linsen

400 g€5.98/kg

Alnatura Gelbe Linsen

500 g€5.98/kg

Alnatura Leinsamen

500 g€3.98/kg

Alnatura Leinsamen Geschrotet

400 g€5.48/kg

Alnatura Leinsamen Pflaume & Dattel

200 g€12.45/kg

Alnatura Chiasamen

500 g€7.98/kg

Alnatura Chiasamen

200 g€11.45/kg

Alnatura Flohsamenschalen

200 g€34.95/kg

Alnatura Flohsamen

250 g€14.76/kg

Alnatura Sesam Ungeschält

400 g€8.73/kg

Alnatura Hanfsamen Geschält

200 g€22.45/kg

Wholey Cinna Rollies

275 g€14.51/kg

Wholey Chillo Pillows

275 g€14.51/kg

Wholey Granola Choc Sea Salt

300 g€13.30/kg

Alnavit Nuss Crunchy

300 g€13.30/kg

Schneekoppe Leinsamen Geschrotet

400 g€3.98/kg

Schneekoppe Leinsamen Ganz

500 g€3.18/kg

Zirkulin Flohsamenschalen Gemahlen

200 g€39.95/kg

Linusit Flohsamen

300 g€29.97/kg

BUDNI Your drugstore since 1912. With us, everyone should feel comfortable and be well advised. We maintain this standard through constant training, the search for innovative products at fair prices and open dealings with suppliers and employees. And thanks to this attitude, we have been one of the most successful drugstores in Northern Germany since 1912. Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin Representative: Oksana Lukyanenko-Sarac Trade register number: HRB 217122 B Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg E-Mail: support@wolt.com


Schönhauser Allee 120

10437 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).