Idea Market Kireška

Every day, we provide quality service and a new shopping experience, with a carefully selected assortment, with an emphasis on affordable, fresh, healthy and homemade.

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Tost i dvopek

RSD 94.99

Tvojih 5 minuta puter kifla 2x60g

RSD 189.99

T5m hleb tost tamni 500g t5m

RSD 199.99

Tvojih 5 minuta hleb tost putero 500g

RSD 179.99

Tonus pločice breskva rus lan 120g

RSD 199.99

Don don hleb tost mešano raženi 500g don don

RSD 199.99

Naše zrno hleb tost semenke 500g

RSD 159.99189.99

Kplus štapići sa susamom i makom 200g

RSD 179.99

Tonus pločice beskv rus tonus kim 120g

RSD 159.99189.99

K plus štapić sa suncokretom 200 g k plus

RSD 99.99

K pluspecivo lan susam 4x70g k plus

Every day, we provide quality service and a new shopping experience, with a carefully selected assortment, with an emphasis on affordable, fresh, healthy and homemade.


Kireška 90L Lamela Iii

24000 Subotica

See map

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