Lilly Drogerie - Subotica

-50% na sve parfeme i toaletne vode 💙

Akcija važi od 10.02 do 16.02

Kreme i buteri za telo

RSD 205.99289.99

Ego Deo + Antiperspirant krema

RSD 339.99429.99

Velnea Buter za Telo Vaila i Kokos 300ml

RSD 1,435.991,795.99

Eucerin Ph5 Lagana Gel Krema 400ml

RSD 1,319.991,655.99

Eucerin Ph5 Losion Za Telo 250ml

RSD 1,549.991,939.99

Eucerin Urearepair Plus Parfi.los. Sa 5% Uree 250

RSD 1,079.991,349.99

Eucerin Urea Rep. Plus Pena Za Sto. 10% Uree 150ml

RSD 1,369.991,709.99

Eucerin Urearepair Plus Tretman Sa 30% Uree 75ml

RSD 1,829.992,289.99

Eucerin Atopicontrolbalsam 200ml

RSD 2,065.99

Eucerin Aquaphor Regenerativna Mast 220ml

RSD 299.99

Vzk Sos Melem 30ml

RSD 2,489.99

Weleda Skin Food Puter Za Telo 150ml

RSD 1,369.991,965.99

Uriage D.s. Emulzija 40ml

RSD 2,175.99

Cerave Sa Krema Za Izglađsuve I Grube Kože 340g

RSD 1,465.99

Cerave Hidratantna Mast88ml

RSD 1,099.99

Cerave Hidratantna Mast50ml

-50% na sve parfeme i toaletne vode 💙 Akcija važi od 10.02 do 16.02 We have always been able to fulfill the desire for more!


Trg slobode 2

24000 Subotica

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