Fastest delivery
Tribe soup 🥣, tasty schnitzel, goulash, or other traditional specialities! 😋
Tribe soup 🥣, tasty schnitzel, goulash, or other traditional specialities! 😋
Domáca kuchyňa so širokou ponukou grilovaných, vyprážaných mäsových ale aj syrových dobrôt.
Domáca kuchyňa so širokou ponukou grilovaných, vyprážaných mäsových ale aj syrových dobrôt.
The best of Wolt+
"For those who want more than just an ordinary drink."
"For those who want more than just an ordinary drink."
Tradičné slovenské halušky pripravované na veľa chutných - sladkých aj slaných spôsobov.
Tradičné slovenské halušky pripravované na veľa chutných - sladkých aj slaných spôsobov.
Shops 🛍️
Elektronické cigarety, liquidy, nikotínové vrecúška a fajčiarske príslušenstvo až ku Vám domov
Elektronické cigarety, liquidy, nikotínové vrecúška a fajčiarske príslušenstvo až ku Vám domov
Super zoo - with love for pets. | Pet supplies
Super zoo - with love for pets. | Pet supplies
⚠️You are currently on the profile of pharmacy PLUS Lekáreň ANDROMEDA. Qualified staff of this pharmacy will prepare your order and a Wolt courier will deliver your goods.⚠️ Consultations regarding quality and safety, notifications of the occurrence of adverse effects of medicines or accidents, incidents or failures of medical devices that are the subject of Internet spending are provided by phone or electronically at the following contacts: Phone number: +421 905 375 755 available every working day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. E-mail:
⚠️You are currently on the profile of pharmacy PLUS Lekáreň ANDROMEDA. Qualified staff of this pharmacy will prepare your order and a Wolt courier will deliver your goods.⚠️ Consultations regarding quality and safety, notifications of the occurrence of adverse effects of medicines or accidents, incidents or failures of medical devices that are the subject of Internet spending are provided by phone or electronically at the following contacts: Phone number: +421 905 375 755 available every working day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. E-mail:
Grocery 🛒
Fresh grocery with delivery within 30 minutes. 💙
Fresh grocery with delivery within 30 minutes. 💙
Predaj čerstvej hydiny, hydinových výrobkov, mäsa, mäsových výrobkov a doplnkového potravinárskeho sortimentu
Predaj čerstvej hydiny, hydinových výrobkov, mäsa, mäsových výrobkov a doplnkového potravinárskeho sortimentu
Wallet friendly
The best chicken in the world, since 1952. It will be fine.
The best chicken in the world, since 1952. It will be fine.
Nič nie je lepšie ako čokoláda...teda až na jahody v čokoláde 🍫🍓
Nič nie je lepšie ako čokoláda...teda až na jahody v čokoláde 🍫🍓
Domáca kuchyňa so širokou ponukou grilovaných, vyprážaných mäsových ale aj syrových dobrôt.
Domáca kuchyňa so širokou ponukou grilovaných, vyprážaných mäsových ale aj syrových dobrôt.
🌱 Healthy fast food that keeps you in balance.
🌱 Healthy fast food that keeps you in balance.
Are you in the mood for an excellent langosh, in both salty or sweet variation, or a juicy kebab? Then you are in the right place!
Are you in the mood for an excellent langosh, in both salty or sweet variation, or a juicy kebab? Then you are in the right place!
Welcome to the real Turkish restaurant Alaturka.
Welcome to the real Turkish restaurant Alaturka.
Offers near you
We don't just serve pizza, we also serve a vast variety of delicious dishes.
We don't just serve pizza, we also serve a vast variety of delicious dishes.
Are you in the mood for an excellent langosh, in both salty or sweet variation, or a juicy kebab? Then you are in the right place!
Are you in the mood for an excellent langosh, in both salty or sweet variation, or a juicy kebab? Then you are in the right place!
Welcome to the real Turkish restaurant Alaturka.
Welcome to the real Turkish restaurant Alaturka.
Unleash your taste buds with our Poke bowls.
Unleash your taste buds with our Poke bowls.
Breakfast near you
Fresh and tasty baguettes for morning, lunch and dinner.
Fresh and tasty baguettes for morning, lunch and dinner.
Tribe soup 🥣, tasty schnitzel, goulash, or other traditional specialities! 😋
Tribe soup 🥣, tasty schnitzel, goulash, or other traditional specialities! 😋
For burger lovers
Pre všetkých milovníkov street foodu, mexickej alebo tradičnej európskej kuchyne 🍗🌮🍜
Pre všetkých milovníkov street foodu, mexickej alebo tradičnej európskej kuchyne 🍗🌮🍜
In our menu you can find tasty and colorful dishes such as salads, burgers, dishes from different types of meat, soups, sweet desserts and wraps.
In our menu you can find tasty and colorful dishes such as salads, burgers, dishes from different types of meat, soups, sweet desserts and wraps.
The best chicken in the world, since 1952. It will be fine.
The best chicken in the world, since 1952. It will be fine.
Local favorites
Kung-pao, Chop suey or delicious noodles? Tasty chinese food delivered to you! 🥢😋
Kung-pao, Chop suey or delicious noodles? Tasty chinese food delivered to you! 🥢😋
Zahryzni sa do chrumkavej bagety 🥖 či wrapu 🥙 plného čerstvých surovín!
Zahryzni sa do chrumkavej bagety 🥖 či wrapu 🥙 plného čerstvých surovín!
Tribe soup 🥣, tasty schnitzel, goulash, or other traditional specialities! 😋
Tribe soup 🥣, tasty schnitzel, goulash, or other traditional specialities! 😋
Venues with eco-packaging ♻️🌱
Vinárstvo Levice 🍷 patrí k popredným producentom vín v Nitrianskej vinohradníckej oblasti.
Vinárstvo Levice 🍷 patrí k popredným producentom vín v Nitrianskej vinohradníckej oblasti.
Juicy burgers 🍔, hot dogs 🌭, sweet desserts 🍰 and other specialities! 🤩
Juicy burgers 🍔, hot dogs 🌭, sweet desserts 🍰 and other specialities! 🤩
Popular right now
Unleash your taste buds with our Poke bowls.
Unleash your taste buds with our Poke bowls.
Tribe soup 🥣, tasty schnitzel, goulash, or other traditional specialities! 😋
Tribe soup 🥣, tasty schnitzel, goulash, or other traditional specialities! 😋
A sweeter day just a few clicks away 🍫🍰
A good breakfast makes the day even better.
A good breakfast makes the day even better.
Crepes for breakfast.🥞Crepes for lunch.🥞Crepes for dinner.🥞
Crepes for breakfast.🥞Crepes for lunch.🥞Crepes for dinner.🥞
A wide range of Slovak and Czech classic cuisine based on traditional recipes.
A wide range of Slovak and Czech classic cuisine based on traditional recipes.
Juicy burgers 🍔, hot dogs 🌭, sweet desserts 🍰 and other specialities! 🤩
Juicy burgers 🍔, hot dogs 🌭, sweet desserts 🍰 and other specialities! 🤩
amazing breakfast 🥯🥓🥞 fresh and warm panini 😍 pizza 🍕 and sweets for everyone!🍰🍃
amazing breakfast 🥯🥓🥞 fresh and warm panini 😍 pizza 🍕 and sweets for everyone!🍰🍃
Vegan & vegetarian friendly
We don't just serve pizza, we also serve a vast variety of delicious dishes.
We don't just serve pizza, we also serve a vast variety of delicious dishes.
Fresh and tasty baguettes for morning, lunch and dinner.
Fresh and tasty baguettes for morning, lunch and dinner.
Top grocery picks
Zdravá donáška čerstvej zeleniny, ovocia a iných produktov, bohatých na vitamíny, až k vašim dverám.
Zdravá donáška čerstvej zeleniny, ovocia a iných produktov, bohatých na vitamíny, až k vašim dverám.
Fresh grocery with delivery within 30 minutes. 💙
Fresh grocery with delivery within 30 minutes. 💙
Burger places in your area 🍔
The best chicken in the world, since 1952. It will be fine.
The best chicken in the world, since 1952. It will be fine.
Pre všetkých milovníkov street foodu, mexickej alebo tradičnej európskej kuchyne 🍗🌮🍜
Pre všetkých milovníkov street foodu, mexickej alebo tradičnej európskej kuchyne 🍗🌮🍜
In our menu you can find tasty and colorful dishes such as salads, burgers, dishes from different types of meat, soups, sweet desserts and wraps.
In our menu you can find tasty and colorful dishes such as salads, burgers, dishes from different types of meat, soups, sweet desserts and wraps.
Juicy burgers 🍔, hot dogs 🌭, sweet desserts 🍰 and other specialities! 🤩
Juicy burgers 🍔, hot dogs 🌭, sweet desserts 🍰 and other specialities! 🤩
Breakfast delivered 🍳🥞
amazing breakfast 🥯🥓🥞 fresh and warm panini 😍 pizza 🍕 and sweets for everyone!🍰🍃
amazing breakfast 🥯🥓🥞 fresh and warm panini 😍 pizza 🍕 and sweets for everyone!🍰🍃
We offer excellent breakfast, a daily menu and specialties.
We offer excellent breakfast, a daily menu and specialties.
Fresh and tasty baguettes for morning, lunch and dinner.
Fresh and tasty baguettes for morning, lunch and dinner.
0 € delivery fee
"For those who want more than just an ordinary drink."
"For those who want more than just an ordinary drink."
Nič nie je lepšie ako čokoláda...teda až na jahody v čokoláde 🍫🍓
Nič nie je lepšie ako čokoláda...teda až na jahody v čokoláde 🍫🍓
Domáca kuchyňa so širokou ponukou grilovaných, vyprážaných mäsových ale aj syrových dobrôt.
Domáca kuchyňa so širokou ponukou grilovaných, vyprážaných mäsových ale aj syrových dobrôt.
Exclusively on Wolt! 💙
Fľaškové, odrodové, suché, sudové, sladké - to je Cassalle 🍷
Fľaškové, odrodové, suché, sudové, sladké - to je Cassalle 🍷
Discover the botanical world of Yves Rocher. For us, nature is more than a source of inspiration, it is at the very core of our actions.
Discover the botanical world of Yves Rocher. For us, nature is more than a source of inspiration, it is at the very core of our actions.
Vždy čerstvo napražená káva pre krajšie chvíle.
Vždy čerstvo napražená káva pre krajšie chvíle.
💚Česká organická kozmetika vyrábaná s láskou k prírode🌿
💚Česká organická kozmetika vyrábaná s láskou k prírode🌿
New restaurants on Wolt
Unleash your taste buds with our Poke bowls.
Unleash your taste buds with our Poke bowls.
A good breakfast makes the day even better.
A good breakfast makes the day even better.
We offer excellent breakfast, a daily menu and specialties.
We offer excellent breakfast, a daily menu and specialties.
"For those who want more than just an ordinary drink."
"For those who want more than just an ordinary drink."
New stores on Wolt
Pán Kukučka is a store for everyone who is looking for healthy and quality foods 🥗.
Pán Kukučka is a store for everyone who is looking for healthy and quality foods 🥗.
Vždy čerstvo napražená káva pre krajšie chvíle.
Vždy čerstvo napražená káva pre krajšie chvíle.
Something from the stores? 🛍
Predaj čerstvej hydiny, hydinových výrobkov, mäsa, mäsových výrobkov a doplnkového potravinárskeho sortimentu
Predaj čerstvej hydiny, hydinových výrobkov, mäsa, mäsových výrobkov a doplnkového potravinárskeho sortimentu
Sme rodinná firma ktorá sa kvetmi zaoberá dlhé roky. Naše prevádzky sa špecializujú na čerstvé rezané a črepníkové kvety ktoré si dovážame sami priamo z Holandska.
Sme rodinná firma ktorá sa kvetmi zaoberá dlhé roky. Naše prevádzky sa špecializujú na čerstvé rezané a črepníkové kvety ktoré si dovážame sami priamo z Holandska.
Chceme, aby ľudia vnímali erotiku rovnako ako my - ako stredobod spájajúci zdravie, fungujúce partnerské vzťahy a radosť.
Chceme, aby ľudia vnímali erotiku rovnako ako my - ako stredobod spájajúci zdravie, fungujúce partnerské vzťahy a radosť.
ACTIV-SHOP, výživa pre zdravie a fitness
ACTIV-SHOP, výživa pre zdravie a fitness