Stores and groceries - Trnava
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Fresh grocery with delivery within 30 minutes. 💙
Groceries to your doorstep. Delivered.
Elektronické cigarety, liquidy, nikotínové vrecúška a fajčiarske príslušenstvo až ku Vám domov
⚠️You are currently on the profile of pharmacy PLUS Lekáreň ANDROMEDA. Qualified staff of this pharmacy will prepare your order and a Wolt courier will deliver your goods.⚠️ Consultations regarding quality and safety, notifications of the occurrence of adverse effects of medicines or accidents, incidents or failures of medical devices that are the subject of Internet spending are provided by phone or electronically at the following contacts: Phone number: +421 905 375 755 available every working day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. E-mail:
Super zoo - with love for pets. | Pet supplies
Kancelárske potreby pre vaše každodenné úlohy 📓🖊️
Healthy food for dogs and cats.🐶🐕🐈
Fľaškové, odrodové, suché, sudové, sladké - to je Cassalle 🍷
I always get more.
Predaj čerstvej hydiny, hydinových výrobkov, mäsa, mäsových výrobkov a doplnkového potravinárskeho sortimentu
Kvety s emóciou