Tuš drogerija Planet Koper

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products!

Darilni seti

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Darilni setLa Rive, ženski, Cash

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Darilni set La Rive, Mis Dream

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Darilni set La Rive, man, Cash

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Darilni set Baylis & Harding, ženski, kopalne kroglice 4 x 120 g

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Darilni set GIllette, Glassio, brivnik Mach3 1up, pena za britje 100 ml

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Darilni set Baylis & Hardin, Mulberry Fizz 6 Bauble, 2x kopel + 2x krem. kopel + 2x tuš gel


Darilni set Naomi Campbell, Here to Shine, ženski, toaletno vodo 15 ml + losjon za telo 50 ml


Darilni set Afrodita, za nego rok, Grapes, milo za roke, krema za roke


Darilni set Naomi Campbnell, Signature, ženski, edt 15 ml, losjon za telo 50 ml

  • 3 left

Darilni paket Afrodita, Men sensitive

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Ankaranska cesta 2

6000 Koper & Izola

See map

Delivery times
