Tuš drogerija Planet Koper

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products!

All items

  • 6 left

Krema Nivea men, Sens., vlažilna, 75 ml

  • 6 left

Krema Nivea, men, univerzalna, 150 ml

  • 5 left

Gel Nivea men, Hyaluron Active Age, 50 ml

  • 5 left

Losjon po britju Axe Africa, 100ml

  • 5 left

Losjon Adidas, brivski, pure game, 100ml

  • 7 left

Losjon po britju z osvežilnim mentolom, Solea (115 ml)

  • 4 left

Losjon Axe, po britju, black, 100 ml

  • 3 left

Losjon po britju Nivea men, Deep, 100ml

  • 5 left

Losjon po britju Afrodita, Men fresh, 120 ml

  • 4 left

Losjon po britju, men, extra sensitive, 120ml

  • 5 left

Losjon po britju Axe, Dark Temptation, 100 ml

  • 6 left

Losjon Nivea, Fresh Kick, po britju, 100 ml

  • 3 left

Losjon po britju Fa men, Sport, 100ml

  • 2 left

Losjon Joob po britju, 75ml

  • 4 left

Losjon Solea D'amaris po britju, 100ml

  • 5 left

Losjon Cuba Gold, vodica po britju, 100 ml


Losjon Afrodita, Men After Shave, 120 ml


Losjon Fa sport, po britju, 100 ml

  • 2 left

Losjon Fa po britju, dark passion, 100ml

  • 4 left

Balzam po britju Nivea men, Sensitive recovery, 100ml

  • 4 left

Balzam po britju Sensitive, Nivea men (100 ml)

  • 7 left

Balzam po britju Nivea for Men, Protect & Care, 100ml


Balzam za brado Gillette King C, 100 ml

  • 7 left

Olje Men za nego brade, 50 ml

  • 4 left

Regenerator Men, 75ml

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Ankaranska cesta 2

6000 Koper & Izola

See map

Delivery times
