SPAR Zeleni Dvor

A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer

All items

OPOMBA: Tehtanih izdelkov žal ni možno menjati. V kolikor katerega od izbranih tehtanih izdelkov ne bo na voljo, le-ta ne bo zamenjan.


Narezek domače zorjeno stegno, SPAR (100 g)


Narezek sušen kare, SPAR (100 g)


Narezek dimljena panceta, SPAR (100 g)


Narezek zašinek, SPAR (100 g)


Pršut narezek, Spar (130 g)


Ogrska salama, Spar (400 g)


Čajna klobasa, Spar (560 g)


Narezek Ogrska salama, DeSPAR (100 g)


Milanska salama, DeSPAR (100 g)


Kraški pršut, Kras (100 g)


Kraška domača salama narezek, Kras (100 g)


Kraški pršut narezek, Kras (250 g)


Čajna klobasa, Kras (500 g)


Suha domača salama, Z'Dežele (130 g)


Narezek Savinjski želodec, Z'Dežele (130 g)


Domača suha salama, Z'dežele (500 g)


Grajska salama, Ave (100 g)

  • 6 left

Narezek pečene mesne slanine, Ave (100 g)


Zimska salama narezek, Gavrilović (80 g)


Suha salama Anton, Meso Kamnik (300 g)


Zimska salama Tourist, Pick (400 g)

A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer. If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Savska cesta 10

1000 Ljubljana

See map

Delivery times
