Tuš drogerija Maribor Planet

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products!

Vitamin D3

  • 3 left

Prehransko dopolnilo BetterYou D400 Infant, vitamin D3

  • 3 left

Vitamin D 3000 + K2, Better You (12 ml)

  • 5 left

Prehransko dopolnilo BetterYou D3000, vitamin D

  • 3 left

Prehransko dopolnilo BetterYou D4000, vitamin D3

  • 1 left

Preh.dop. Ekolife Natura, Liposomski C original, 100ml

  • 4 left

Ekolife natura liposomski vit. K2D3 60ml


Instant napitek Medex Magnezij + D3, 20 vrečk po 6,8 g v prahu

  • 6 left

Instant napitek Medex Junglemix Junior, 15 vrečk po 8 g v prahu


Prehransko dopolnilo Gelee Royale Super + D, Medex (30 kapsul)

  • 5 left

Pršilo Vitamin D, Medex (30 ml)

  • 7 left

Pršilo z vitaminom D3 4000 Forte, 30 ml


Pršilo z vitaminom D3 Junior, 30 ml

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Na poljanah 18

2000 Maribor

See map

Delivery times
