Restaurants - Bratislava - Page 2
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Light and fresh food for every day - enjoy poultry dishes 🥘 or noodles 🍜
Crispy pizza, delicious pasta, fragrant panini
Tasty meat, salads 🥗, fish 🐟 or soups! 😋
Chutné raňajky a denné menu na každý deň.
Fresh daily menu and tasty food for every day.
Tradičné gurmánske bistro a lahôdky
Rýchlo a chutne
Denne čerstvé a veľmi chutné
Indian cuisine - traditional, authentic, unforgettable
Chutný streetfood na dosah ruky 🍔😋
Pravá grécka kuchyňa
Špecialisti na jedlá pre náročných! Berieme ohľad na ľudí s rôznymni intoleranciami a preferenciami stravovania 🥳. Varíme z výlučne čerstvých surovín a nepoužívame polotovary 🙏. V našej kuchyni nájdete len rastlinné mlieka a s výnimkou raňajok máme všetky produkty bezgluténové 💪. Kompozície našich produktov sa snažíme spraviť tak, aby obsahovali suroviny a kombinácie, ktoré sú pre telo prospešné a vyhýbame sa prekombinovaným chutiam. Pri všetkých našich produktoch uvádzame nutričné údaje - tie nájdete aj na etikete pri doručení. #gastronomyredefined #nutritionfacts
Have our tasty pizza🍕 delivered to your home!
Gastronómia plná farieb, chutí a často aj zážitkov
Fine Indian food 🇮🇳
Fine Indian food 🇮🇳
The first original Bonboncha establishment in Bratislava. 🥤🤩
Traditional Korean cuisine, do not hesitate & try it! 🍚😋
Traditional Korean cuisine, do not hesitate & try it! 🍚😋
Bowls full of balanced and healthy flavors. 🥗🥑
Vyskladaj si zdravé a farebné bowlie podľa svojej chuti 😋
Real good Asian food.
Fakt dobrá ázia
Pravé belgické hranolky!
Burgers with a touch of Bratislava 🍔
Klasická, poctivá a výdatná domáca kuchyňa, ktorá pasuje k pivu
Delicious food is a matter of course here.
Asian cuisine in the heart of Bratislava🍣
Enjoy your day a wonderful bubble milk tea! 🧋💛
Enjoy your day a wonderful bubble milk tea! 🧋💛
Enjoy your day a wonderful bubble milk tea! 🧋💛
Bubble tea as you don't know it yet. Tastier, healthier, fruitier🤩
Discover the world of flavors in one place!
🍗 Nič nepoteší tak, ako dobre spravené kura🍗
Fried flat bread 🥮, hake 🐟, crispy hot-dogs 🌭 and tasty sweet pancakes!
Ovsené kaše s twistom
A real taste of Vietnam straight to your home🍜.
Lahodný burger zo 100% hovädzieho mäsa, čerstvých surovín s domácimi hranolkami 🍔 .
Tasty burgers made from high-quality meat in a butter brioche. 🍔🍟🥤😋
Taste is the King!
Taste is the King!
Taste is the King!
It’s toothsome, rich and absolutely tasty.
Cakes from Italy 🍰
At Cafe Frei, our goal is to offer our customers products of the highest quality and at unbeatable prices. Our coffees, which are hand-harvested and hand-sorted, are imported from the world's best Arabica plantations. Whether it's taste, smell or enjoyment - everyone will find something for themselves at Cafe Frei.
Homemade vegetarian/vegan daily menu.
Freshly made, just for you 🥪
Grilovačka? Piknik? Víkendový obed? Doprajte si to najlepšie z Klubovne.
Vychutnaj si našu čertovsky dobrú pizzu 😈🍕
Nové meno, rovnaká kvalita.
Czech and Slovak specialties
Iconic flavors of Pizza Hut in a new form.
Iconic flavors of Pizza Hut in a new form.
Delicious Pizza 🍕 fried foods 🍗
You can never have enough shrimp!🍤
Our culinary-educational institution has been honoring the local scene since 2019. French bakery - Groceries - Cafe - Etiquette for children and adults, which have earned several awards both locally and in Paris. 😋🥐
Order your favorite bowl 🥗
Streetfood s najchutnejším pastrami a rodinnou atmosférou. 😍
Streetfood with the tastiest pastrami and home-like atmosphere. 😍
Streetfood with tasty pastrami and home-like atmosphere.